Tag Archives: Theronil

Dragonhawk Identification

Lilithel had finished bandaging the wound on the dragonhawk’s wing, and she and Tik were discussing how to get it out of the school and down to the stable without anyone noticing and asking about it. Tik felt going through the kitchen then around the side of the house would be best, but Lilithel thought the front door was just as close as the kitchen, and had the same risk of being seen.

“Maybe we could do it after I do my rounds for light’s out.” Tik suggested.

Their discussion was interrupted by a knock on the door. Tik moved to answer it, while Lilithel remained seated next to the dragonhawk on the floor.

“Theronil, come in. Thank you for coming in on the weekend. As you can see, we needed someone who knows a lot about dragonhawks.” Tik gestured towards the dragonhawk in the corner. “We were hoping you might know where it’s from.”

“He. It’s a male.” He said, approaching the dragonhawk to inspect it more closely. “What happened to him?” he asked, indicating the bandage.

“We’re not sure.”

Theronil raised a brow, but went back to inspecting the dragonhawk. “There’s only a couple of breeders in Eversong that I know of who have this…” His voice trailed off as he held out the good wing. He stopped to look more closely at the dragonhawk’s face. “Is Xyliah still staying somewhere on the estate?”

“I believe so. I don’t think they’ve left yet.”

“You may want to find her. Quickly.”

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Another Cloak

I took a break from RaF today to finish up my 8th or 9th cloak.  I’ve lost count.  I think it’s the 9th.

Theronil is my second hunter to earn the cloak.

Theronil is my second hunter to earn the cloak.

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Theronil’s Log

I’ve been awful at keeping my log updated recently, but it’s not without reason.  I’ve been quite busy.  After returning home from Kalimdor, there was a lot of work to finish before the baby arrived.

And that’s the biggest news.  I’m a father now.  We have a son named Iannor.  Isandri wanted to name him after me, but I think it’s important that he has his own name.  He may grow up and be nothing like me.  That seems so far off, though I know the time will pass quicker than I realize.  He’s so tiny now, but already, I can tell that he’s grown.  His neck is a bit stronger now and he tries to lift his head when he’s on his belly so that he can look around.  I can already tell he’s intensely curious about the world and the people around him.  He’s so quiet and content to just watch and listen.  I suppose I can only hope he’s as well-behaved in a few years!

He and Isandri mostly stay at home right now.  She’s still recovering, and I try to make my own trips away from home short.  Despite that, I have managed to find a place to set up shop for my enchanting business.  I suppose I could have gone back to being a ranger, but I think I can provide for them better on an enchanter’s income.  Besides, I spent a lot of gold and time learning, so it would make the most sense to use it.  It hasn’t been easy trying to get things set up so I can open the shop because I’m usually home.  I spend about an hour at the shop per day.  I figure I probably don’t want to have to be there all day just yet, anyway, so it’s okay to work on it just a little at a time.  I’d rather be home for a few more weeks.  Iannor won’t be small forever.

I also spend time out at other shops, getting food and other things we need.  I don’t like to be gone long.

Arelanis has taken to guarding the house.  She knows how precious Iannor is, too.  When he’s older, I’m sure she’ll be perfect for teaching him how to ride a dragonhawk.  That’s a few years off too.  It’s easy to make so many plans for the future.  They’re just little things, teaching him how to ride a dragonhawk, teaching him to shoot a bow, going camping with him in the woods– things like that.  I’m sure Isandri is making her own plans too.

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Filed under Journal, Theronil, World of Warcraft

Winter’s Veil 2

Theronil Whitemorn double-checked the crib once more.  In truth, it was more than a double-check.  It was more like his 100th-check.  Isandri was due any day now, and he wanted everything to be perfect for the baby.  He knew the crib had been joined perfectly, but checking made him feel like he wasn’t missing a small flaw somewhere.

In preparing for his son or daughter’s arrival, he’d almost forgotten about Winter’s Veil.  It wasn’t until he went out to get food to bring back to Isandri and saw the decorations that he remembered.  Finding the time to shop for gifts had proved difficult, as he was too busy making sure everything was perfect for the baby’s arrival.  He had no idea what to get Isandri this year either.  It was while he was putting up a shelf in the baby’s room that he remembered the books he used to have as a child.  They came in a set, but were all about different things.  One was about a boy who got a tree for his birthday.  Another was about twins who always did things different.  He couldn’t remember the rest, or even the titles.  He checked at the library, and one of the people there was able to tell him the name of the set, but they didn’t have any copies there.  He checked in the lower city and found nothing there as well.  He then started writing to bookshops in Silvermoon, asking if they had the set there.  Slowly, the replies came back.  None of them had it.  One of them mentioned they hadn’t seen that set for decades.  Theronil thought it was possible he wouldn’t find the books.  He bought a beautiful shawl with intricately woven designs of leaves and flowers on it for Isandri.  She would like that, even though he still hoped to find the books.

Theronil had almost given up when he got a letter from a bookshop in a town in Eversong.  They had the set!  It was old, but the books were mostly in good condition, with the exception of one that had lost its cover.  The shop offered to re-bind it for him.  Theronil had quickly wrote back and arranged to pick up the set.

He smiled to himself as he checked the crib over once more.  Hopefully she would like both the books and the shawl.


Aranae Lightmist sat on the stairs at the Peak of Serenity watching the monks train below.  She knew what time of the year it was.  The pandaren seemed to pick up on the holiday fast and had erected a tree inside one of the buildings.  She could do without the reminders.

Of course she hadn’t heard from -them-.  She didn’t want to, and the more she knew they weren’t even trying, the less she wanted to do with them.  They could all stay in Silvermoon and pamper their favorites this year without her in the way.

She hadn’t seen Tsi Ku since coming back, and often wondered where she could be.  The guy with the cat hadn’t been around either, but there was one person she knew here.  Unfortunately, he was the one who couldn’t take a hint.  Even when she specified for him to get lost, Cadellus still didn’t get it.  He’d better not be planning to get her anything for Winter’s Veil.  She wouldn’t accept it if he did.  It was tempting to go somewhere else just to get away from him.  She smiled to herself.  Maybe it would be best to visit one of the towns for the rest of the holidays.


Rohau felt the wind lift up under his wings as he circled the valley below.  He carried a small burlap sack in his talons, though it was small enough that it did not impede his flight.  He watched carefully as he passed over the trees below.  He let out a quick caw when he finally saw the smaller white bird hidden in the branches of one of the trees.  The other bird looked up, and watched as Rohau landed on the branch next to him.  The other bird started preening as Rohau pulled the burlap bag up on the wide branch.  This one was always preening.  Rohau stuck his head in the bag and pulled out a box with his beak.  He placed it on the limb and pushed it towards the white bird.  The white bird pushed a different package towards Rohau.  Of course he had gotten a gift too.  Rohau carefully pulled the wrapping off, letting the colorful paper drop to the earth below, as the other bird did the same with his present.  Using both his talons and beak, he opened the box.  Inside, was a small jar of perfume.  Using one of his talons, he pressed the top and sprayed just a little bit onto the other talon. He smelled it and cawed happily.  The other bird also cawed happily as he pulled a beaded necklace out of his gift box.  Rohau helped him put it over his head, certain that it would stay in place around the other bird while in flight.  They both cawed happily as they took off with their presents in opposite directions.


Orledin looked up at the sky.  It was still dark.  Not even a hint of light at the horizon told him he still had plenty of time before another day of work started.  He looked down at the small piece of birch wood in his hands.  It was beginning to take shape.  It was a hobby he took up a few years ago.  It was something to do while the world slept.  Most of his projects he had just left wherever he had finished them, none of them meaning that much to him.  However, this one he was doing as a gift, as a way to say thank you to one of the few people who had not judged him for being what he was.  He was pretty sure the captain would like the gift as he resumed whittling the details into the cat-shaped piece of wood.

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Filed under Aranae, Cadellus, Orledin, Rohau, Terivanis, Theronil


Aranae Lightmist sat at the top of the stairs along one of the paths at the Peak of Serenity.  Her foot still hurt when she walked, but with the help of her staff, she was able to get around okay.  They had tried to convince her to stay, to go home with the rest of the elves.  She was certain Lani had already written home about her by that point.  She was glad no one had come to take her back to Silvermoon before that orc had been found.  She was free to go then, as it was time to take down the healer’s tent.  She had slipped away from the group heading towards the portals back to Silvermoon and was fortunate enough to find a mage who knew how to make a portal to Pandaria.

Lani had done everything she could to keep Aranae there, even telling her that Nessna had been severely injured.  Aranae wasn’t sure how much Lani was exaggerating.  She could make a big deal out of a stubbed toe sometimes.  Aranae decided it would be safer to send a letter home after she returned to the Peak.  Her foot would be healed soon, and she would be able to leave if they came looking for her here.

She smiled a little as she watched the monks training in the area below the steps.  She wasn’t sure where she would go when she could leave, but she did hope to see Tsi Ku again.  Maybe Master Cheng would know where to find her.


Theronil Whitemorn woke.  It was still dark, but it was something he had become accustomed to in Kalimdor.  There, it had been most convenient to wake early and take advantage of the cooler morning temperatures.  It was less convenient in Shattrath.

He put his arm around Isandri, who was still asleep, and rested his hand on her belly.  If the baby was awake, he or she wasn’t kicking.  Theronil kissed Isandri’s cheek.  They would soon be parents.  With that would come responsibility.  He wanted to have everything ready, but the one thing he didn’t have yet was work.  He had, before being drafted to support the efforts in Kalimdor, found the perfect shop to set up as his own.  He opted to wait until returning from Kalimdor, and when he did, the shop had already been sold to someone else.  He had to start his search all over again.

For now, he would try to sleep a little longer.  He cuddled close to Isandri and closed his eyes.


Keyalenn Goldbrand wrote a few more lines in his notes before making a slight change in the spell and recasting.  The Magister had given him lots to work on lately, though the total amount of work had seemed to lessen in the past week.  Keyalenn hated it all the same, no matter how much there was of it.  He didn’t see the point of casting multiple spell variations, and writing down the results if you already knew what would happen.  The worst part was that the Magister always checked his notes, and took notice if precise descriptions and measurements were not used.

Then there was Des.  He was able to finish earlier over the past week, and had been able to make it to supper in the grand dining hall instead of eating alone in his practice room.  She was almost always there.  Had she been looking at him and flipping her hair on purpose?  She had, so far, managed to ignore any of his advances, or so he thought.  Perhaps he had been wrong.


Lanthiriel Lightmist  walked down the stairs of her new home.  Rylad had woke early this morning.  She decided to stay awake after helping Nessna tend to him.  Nessna would need help daily as she recovered from her injuries.  She had already made so much progress since leaving the tent in Kalimdor where she had almost died.  Lani hadn’t told anyone about that, and all her help had been out of the tent at that point, but Nessna had stopped breathing for almost a minute.  She really had almost died.  Lani was relieved to see her doing better each day.

Lani walked into the kitchen, and put a log on the fire in the stove.  The stove in the kitchen served two purposes in this home.  It was used both for cooking and for heat, and she needed it for both right now.  The nights were getting cooler, and breakfast needed to be made.  It was a small house so only the heat of one fire was needed to warm it.  Tik had told her that it was previously the home of the stable master, and that the man had spent more time in the stable than in the house.  He had truly loved the animals that he cared for.

Lani got out the eggs that she had bought the day before.  She wondered briefly if there were chickens here before as she cracked them and started making breakfast.

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Filed under Aranae, Keyalenn, Lanthiriel, Story, Theronil, World of Warcraft


Dear Mother,

I hope all is going okay in Kalimdor.  I’m doing okay here in the Ghostlands.  Sometimes I think the magister just doesn’t like anything I do.  You know my tendency to doodle?  Doesn’t everyone do that?  Anyway, he saw my doodles and didn’t like them.

He has a butler who was sent to fight.  He just came home with a nasty injury recently.  I thought before that the sooner you came home the better, but now I don’t think so.  I think if you come home with everyone else, that’ll be the best.  I do hope that is soon though.

I’m doing well in my studies, despite the magister hating me.  He keeps giving me more and more work to do.  I was in my practice room until almost bedtime last night!  Luckily, the workers here often bring food to the practice rooms for us, so I didn’t miss supper.

It’s starting to get cold here at night.  My room is above the big sitting room with the big fireplace though, so I get some heat from that.  I think some of the other rooms have their own fireplaces.  Mine’s too small for that.

We haven’t visited Silvermoon much recently.  Maybe I’ll see if one of the other students will ask the magister.  I have a feeling that if I ask, he’ll just make us wait longer.

Be careful, and come home with everyone else, which I hope is soon!

– Keyalenn


[[ This letter arrives from Pandaria to Shattrath along with a small package to the Whitemorn household. ]]


I hope all is well.  I’ve been doing well in Pandaria.  I’ve been working with the local metals and gems here.  I’ve sent along some ear cuffs for Isandri.  I hope she likes them.

The people here are very strange.  They’re big bears and have fur all over, and sharp teeth.  They seem welcoming though, for the most part.  Once in a while you meet a grumpy one who doesn’t like “outsiders”.  I can’t say I blame them much.

Kit and I have been staying in a place called the Jade Forest.  I’m not sure if it’s because trees are green, or there’s a jade mine here.  Maybe neither, or maybe both!  It is nice here though.  Sometimes we make trips to the Vale.  Our last trip came with a shock.  It was a beautiful place, a bit like Eversong, but now it’s been destroyed.  There’s a big blackened hole in the ground where the pools used to be.  I heard multiple sources describe it as that orc’s doing.

I also heard that there is a war on Orgrimmar now.  Do you know anything about that?  I suppose if there is one, you might be there now.  If that’s the case, hello Isandri.  I hope you’ll forward this letter to my brother and that you like your ear cuffs!  And Thero, if you are there, be careful.  This orc is extremely dangerous.  What happened in the Vale is a testament to that.

– Teniron Whitemorn


Dear Lanthiriel,

Forgive me for not writing sooner.  Things have been rather hectic here since most healers have gone to Kalimdor.  I have not only taken on your patients, but it seems half of Silvermoon’s patients as well.  Not many healers were left behind.  Isandri’s help has been invaluable these past weeks, but I refuse to let her stay past the time she would have normally left.  On the other hand, I find myself staying in the office later and later.

Not only are we taking care of the patients who were already here, but we need to keep a few emergency spots open each day.  Many of the people being sent home due to injuries still need a healer’s attention.  I’ve heard news from Kalimdor from some of them.  Lately, they’ve been saying that they’re in the city now.  If that’s true, then maybe it won’t be much longer.  I worry about you being there.

Your mother is still staying with her sister, and Esladra is with her.  I had hoped Esladra would want to help out in the office as well after her studies were done for the day, but I’ve heard little from either of them.  Esladra did mention that she only has one class now.  The few instructors who stayed behind are still giving their classes.  Her apprenticeship is on hold for the time being.

Have you heard from your brother recently?  I want to get out to visit him, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon.  I’ve been scheduling some patients for the weekend!

I am doing well, just very busy.  I hope you are doing well too.

– Isturon


My Love, Isandri,

I hope all is well at home.  Our camp is usually quiet, though there has been a steady increase in injuries being brought in over the past few days.  The news is, they’ve made it past the gate, but the orc hasn’t been found yet.  My group is still holding its position as a supply camp, so that’s good news.  If they’ve cleared out the front of the city and still want to keep us at the same distance, that’s fine with me!  Our mage, the one who conjures our food, said it would be more difficult for the others if the spot to make the portal to kept changing.  I guess that makes sense a bit.

Is the baby growing well?  I’m so excited to hear it might be a boy.  How sure are they?  I’d love a girl too.

I miss you so much.  I think Arelanis still misses you too.  She’s been a good dragonhawk though, and has saved us from the mage’s poorly conjured food a couple of nights by bringing us boars to cook and eat.  I miss your cookies too.

Is everything okay in Shattrath?  How is everyone else doing?  I hope they’ve been coming to see you and make sure everything’s okay.

I love you.  You’re so beautiful.  I can’t wait to be home to hold you again.




Confessor Morthorn,

Hi!  I wanted to let you know that Tik is here at home, and is doing well.  He’s taken up doing most of his normal duties, except killing the spiders.  I’m still doing that.  He and Terellion worked out their duties together, and they both decided I should have less cake.

I don’t like that last part, but I’m glad he’s back.  I think he’s very lucky, considering.

My students enjoyed the trip to Shattrath.  The library is always the highlight of the trip there, but I’m trying to figure out a way to safely take them out of the city next time.  With more students now, I’m afraid I might lose one!  One in particular likes to wander off a fair bit, and usually finds trouble when he does.  I can only hope he resists the temptation to do so on any field trips there.  I wouldn’t want him to be dinner for a Netherdrake!

Oh! Tik went to get the recipes from the death knight.  I guess death knights don’t know how to write or something, because he refused to put it on paper.  He did let Tik watch and take notes as he made some though, so now we have the recipes in the house.  I bet they’ll be the best cakes ever.  It’s too bad they won’t let me eat more of them!

I did have the talk with the new hired person, and we are getting to know each other better.  He thought I hated him!  I don’t know where he got that idea.  We’re not being too serious yet, but oh he’s so tempting.  I think it’s better to take it slower though.  He hasn’t done things like that before, so that’s even more reason to take it slow.  That, and I’m nervous about it, for a variety of reasons.  He’s a bit younger than me, and I’m pretty sure I’ll be the first time for him.  I want it to be good for both of us, and I think we should be in love.  I don’t know how to make sure of that though.  I want him to stay here, is that like or love?  Is it when we say it?  I don’t know.  I like him a lot, and I don’t want him to leave, but maybe I don’t know him well enough to love him yet.  I don’t think he feels that for me yet either.  Maybe soon.

We haven’t been very open about our relationship with the others.  Sometimes I feel like I’m a bad secret to him.  I understand that it’s probably not best to tell everyone, but I don’t like having to sneak around about it.  I want to be able to kiss him in the sitting room by the fire there, and not have to worry about who sees us!  I guess if he loves me someday, we’ll tell people.

Anyway, that’s news from here.  Tell Lani her house is almost ready!  I hope everyone is back home soon!

– Magister Hethurin Fairsong

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Filed under Aeramin, Isturon, Keyalenn, Letter, Sanimir, Teniron, Theronil, World of Warcraft


Theronil has new pants…

I giggled.

I giggled.

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The Siege

Tsi Ku,

I miss Pandaria.  Kalimdor is full of dust and it stinks.  It probably stinks mostly because it’s so hot here and there’s really no place to bathe.  Cadellus is stinky too.  Have you ever noticed that?  Men smell really bad sometimes, especially if there’s no bath and lots of heat.  It’s gross.

They kept us mostly in our groups so he’s still whining to me about how much he hates it here too.  As if anyone likes it?  Sometimes, I wonder if there’s any earplugs in the supplies.  I bet there has to be.

We’re fighting with trolls now, not against them, so I’m not allowed to kick them in the face here.  They weren’t sure where to put me.  It was kind of amusing when I told them what I do.

Anyway, I thought I’d let you know that I’m planning to go back to Pandaria after this is all done.  I’m not even sure if Master Cheng thinks I’m done with my training yet.  Maybe I need to kick something bigger in the face yet.

– Aranae


Nessna Amberlight nocked another arrow on her bow and took aim.  Her husband, Vessen, stood beside her and did the same.  They both drew back and released their arrows at the same time, sending them flying towards the orcs rushing down the hills towards the docks.  They had been trying to take the towers for days now.  They were heavily guarded, but were quite possibly their only hope against the large protodrake circling the skies.

They had been staying further south.  She and Vessen were able to share a tent, but many others had to cram into bigger tents.  They weren’t as big as the ones on the isle, but they still didn’t offer much privacy.  She was glad they allowed Vessen to bring and set up his own tent within the camp.

She nocked another arrow, drew back and took aim.  She did worry sometimes if she was doing the right thing.  She could have stayed home with her infant son, but then there would be one less person to bring the crazed orc down.  She wondered if everyone else had a valid excuse for not coming if the orc would just run rampant with power.  No, she had to be here.  Vessen did too.  It was their duty as rangers to protect their people, and in protecting their people, they were also protecting their son’s future.

She let loose another arrow.


My Love, Isandri,

I’m sorry I haven’t written sooner.  Things have been pretty hectic here with setting up the tents and scheduling the shifts.  I’ve also had to map out some patrols and assign them.  Being unfamiliar with the area made that take more time than I would have liked.  I have my own tent here.  There’s even a cheap table and chair in it.  I sleep on a cot behind my table and chair.  Everyday, I have to write up the assignments and post them outside.  Most of the time they’re the same as the day before.

Things are settling into a routine here now.  I prefer that.  The alternative means we’re overwhelmed with things to do, or under attack.  Neither of which is very enticing. I’ll gladly take routine.  I think those in my unit prefer it too.  Sometimes I go on patrols with them.  I don’t feel right sitting in my tent all day.

We are quite a ways from the fighting.  We have seen the first few injuries come in.  They are usually ported here and have already received some attention.  From our patrols, we can see the walls of Orgrimmar, and the shore where most of the fighting is now taking place.  We’re still a good distance away, and can not see either from where the tents are set up.

How is everything at home?  How is the baby?  Are you still working on your apprenticeship?  Lanthiriel wanted me to ask you if her father had said anything to you, though I doubt he would have.  She’s worried that he’s upset with her.  How is everyone else?  I miss you so much.  You’re so beautiful, and I love you.  I wish I were home with you.  Arelanis misses you too.  I should have left her with you.  I think she’s bored here.  She brought back two big boars the other day.  There wasn’t much else to do but to cook them.  I think everyone appreciated it, even though her hunting trip was unauthorized.  The mage who conjures our food is awful.  Everything tastes like garlic.

Have you tried sending cookies yet?

I’m about to go on another patrol, this time with a couple of the boys from one of the farms.  I love you.  You’re in my thoughts all the time.



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Dear Father,

The mages have arrived and have started making portals for everyone.  They’re sending some people to set up the tents first so I have time to write one last letter before going.  I wanted to say again that I’m sorry.  Has mother moved back in yet?  I hope she has.  She hasn’t written, so I don’t really know what’s going on.

I think I’ll be okay here.  We have a group of rangers assigned to guard us and we’ll be back away from the fighting, so I probably won’t even see a single orc.  I’ll be safe.

I’ve heard from Sanimir.  The house he’s having fixed up for me is looking good so far, so he says.  I’m still not used to calling him Hethurin.  Have you visited him lately?  He has a few more students now.  I’m eager to meet them when I get back.

It looks like they’re almost ready for us, so I should seal this and be on my way.  I love you, and I promise to be careful.

– Lani


My Dearest Isandri,

The ships left a few days ago, and now the mages are back to make our portals there.  I’m writing quick to tell you how much I love you, and how beautiful you are.  We should be able to get mail there.  Just send it here and the mages can send it through.  I’m taking paper and ink with me, but I may not have a lot of time to write.

There’s not a day that goes by, that I don’t spend most of it wondering if you’re okay, and worrying about you being without me.  Please stay safe while I’m gone.  I will do my best to do the same.

Love for Always and Ever,



Dear Imralion,

I hope you get this okay.  I know things are probably a bit chaotic setting up camps and such.  I got your letter after getting back from trying to visit you.  I found the island practically empty compared to how it was before, with most of the tents being taken down.  I’m sorry that I missed you.  I wanted to see you before you left, and I missed that.

How is everything there?  Was the boat okay?  Has the fighting started already?  They don’t have you in front, do they?  I worry about you.  I miss you being home.

Isandri made more cookies and dropped them off today.  I’ve been occupying myself a lot with work.  I’ve taken more jobs than I usually do.  Working on invitations and book copies doesn’t really keep my mind off you, but it does give me something to do besides pacing back and forth.

I love you.  Please, be careful.

– Aeramin

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Filed under Aeramin, Lanthiriel, Letter, Theronil, World of Warcraft

Alt Appreciation – Hunter Week

Many images, long post.  Hunters!

My main, or my main alt?  I honestly don't think I know what a main is anymore.  I keep trying to raid on him, and wind up just hating focus more and more.  This expansion, talents were made really good and all the other shots feel like I'm hitting things with wiffle balls. I'd love active talents if they weren't part of my rotation. I have this same complaint about mages, but mages get it to a lesser degree.  I can only pray they overhaul the talent system once again, since it seems to be the thing to do every single expansion.  Oh, what was I doing?  Hunter post, right.  This is Jaeyn.  He's kind of my main and not an alt, depending on your definition of main, but he's here.  He's been part of our stories too, and currently lives in Outland.  The spore bat is not an IC pet, but is the one I'm forced to use for everything else.  =P

My main, or my main alt? I honestly don’t think I know what a main is anymore. I keep trying to raid on him, and wind up just hating focus more and more. This expansion, talents were made really good and all the other shots feel like I’m hitting things with wiffle balls. I’d love active talents if they weren’t part of my rotation. I have this same complaint about mages, but mages get it to a lesser degree. I can only pray they overhaul the talent system once again, since it seems to be the thing to do every single expansion. Oh, what was I doing? Hunter post, right. This is Jaeyn. He’s kind of my main and not an alt, depending on your definition of main, but he’s here. He’s been part of our stories too, and currently lives in Outland. The spore bat is not an IC pet, but is the one I’m forced to use for everything else. =P


Theronil Whitemorn is my second hunter to 90, and my first ever horde character to max level (85 at the time!)  I originally made him pre-Cata to experience the low level horde quests before everything was changed.  In game, he's geared enough to do Vaults, and while I take him once in a while, I'm not urgently gearing him up.  In stories, he's getting ready to fight in Kalimdor.  He'll be a father soon, so he has to make sure he comes back!

Theronil Whitemorn is my second hunter to 90, and my first ever horde character to max level (85 at the time!) I originally made him pre-Cata to experience the low-level horde quests before everything was changed. In game, he’s geared enough to do Vaults, and while I take him once in a while, I’m not urgently gearing him up. In stories, he’s getting ready to fight in Kalimdor while his pregnant wife frets about him in Shattrath. He’s been made the captain of a small group of rangers who will be left to watch the supplies, healers and portals.  Most of the group aren’t really rangers so he has his work cut out for him.

Avanniel Windblade.  She's still level 85, but she has max black smithing.  She's appeared in some of our Ashenvale stories.  Vaelarian Ashclaw has a crush on her.  She spends most of her time on duty at the Spire.

Avanniel Windblade. She’s still level 85, but she has max blacksmithing. She’s appeared in some of our Ashenvale stories. Vaelarian Ashclaw has a crush on her. She spends most of her time on duty at the Spire.


Sourabhi was my third character to 70 during BC.  (Jaeyn was first!).  I had a love of hunters early on.  ICly, Soura likes messing with blood elves and stealing from them.  Like her dragonhawk? She has made a few appearances in stories, but has so far only been a very minor character.

Sourabhi was my third character to 70 during BC. (Jaeyn was first!). I had a love of hunters early on. ICly, Soura likes messing with blood elves and stealing from them. Like her dragonhawk?
She has made a few appearances in stories, but has so far only been a very minor character.  She’s level 85 for now.

Beroleth "Bear" Morningdew is level 85 and has bear pets.  He's also been part of the Ashenvale stories.  Here he's pictured with his oldest bear, Norr.

Beroleth “Bear” Morningdew is level 85 and has bear pets. He’s also been part of the Ashenvale stories. Here, he’s pictured with his oldest bear, Norr.


Sunashe is level 80, having been part of a RaF team.  He was originally created when I first started playing, and forgotten about shortly after as I was busy leveling Jaeyn.  I do like the way he looks, so maybe, someday, he'll reach max level.  He has not been part of RP or had any stories.

Sunashe is level 80, having been part of a RaF team. He was originally created when I first started playing, and forgotten about shortly after as I was busy leveling Jaeyn. I do like the way he looks, so maybe, someday, he’ll reach max level. He has not been part of RP or had any stories.

Faestirah was my first blood elf hunter.  She got to level 28 or so on her own, then had a RaF boost to 80.  She's my only horde character with the olympic tabard.  I'm still mad about not getting the pet during that time.  I tried! Again, no stories for this one.

Faestirah was my first blood elf hunter. She got to level 28 or so on her own, then had a RaF boost to 80. She’s my only horde character with the olympic tabard. I’m still mad about not getting the pet during that time. I tried!
Again, no stories for this one.


Another RaF character, Jamos is level 80.  He's one of my few male draenei.  He had a small part of a story, so we know he lives in Shattrath and has a sister named Haani!

Another RaF character, Jamos is level 80. He’s one of my few male draenei. He had a small part of a story, so we know he lives in Shattrath and has a sister named Haani!

Another RaF hunter, Noradra.  Level 80 and no stories, but she has a cool white serpent!

Another RaF hunter, Noradra. Level 80 and no stories, but she has a cool white serpent!

RaF... AGAIN!  This is Ithorel.  He ICly works on a hawkstrider farm and is currently training to go to Kalimdor soon.

RaF… AGAIN! This is Ithorel. He ICly works on a hawkstrider farm and is currently training to go to Kalimdor soon.  When he comes back, he wants to go to Silvermoon.

Molsonetta and her cat, Biere.  She's level 30 and I don't think I can RP her with a straight face with a name like that.

Molsonetta and her cat, Biere. She’s level 30 and I don’t think I can RP her with a straight face with a name like that.  She’s on a pvp realm and doesn’t have any stories, and probably never will.

Jaen.  Jaeyn was originally Jaen.  When I transferred from Antonidas to Hyjal, I grabbed my old name. He's level 24 now.

Jaen. Jaeyn was originally Jaen. When I transferred from Antonidas to Hyjal, I grabbed my old name. He’s level 24 now.


Jaene, the level 15 female dwarf on Icecrown, the home of .  Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to dedicate to her to keep her in the guild.  I'm still in the  chat channel on that server though.

Jaene, the level 15 female dwarf on Icecrown, the home of <WHU>. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the time to dedicate to her to keep her in the guild. I’m still in the chat channel for <WHU> on that server though.

Weylyn, also my only worgen left.  I had a few others but I couldn't stand the sniffing.  I only level him with sound off.  I love his braids!  He had a "copy" for the Tangle of Brambles storyline, Weylenn, but I just really couldn't handle the sniffing when trying to level them.  Weylenn was race changed, along with his two brothers.  They are now Avanniel, Beroleth and Xyliah.

Weylyn, also my only worgen left. I had a few others but I couldn’t stand the sniffing. I only level him with sound off.  He doesn’t get much play time but he is level 32 now!  I love his braids! He had a “copy” for the Tangle of Brambles storyline, Weylenn, but I just really couldn’t handle the sniffing when trying to level them. Weylenn was race changed, along with his two brothers. They are now Avanniel, Beroleth and Xyliah.

I decided to include a few who are under level 10 because of their roles in the stories. Xyliah is listed here, despite being level 88, because I wanted to list her with her dad. 🙂

Thavron Amberlight.  He makes and sells furniture in Silvermoon.  He has three grown children.

Thavron Amberlight, level 1. He makes and sells furniture in Silvermoon. He has three grown children.

Xyliah Amberlight is Thavron's oldest child.  She's staying in Pandaria with her husband, Berwick.  OOCly - She's level 88, and will probably be next to 90!

Xyliah Amberlight is Thavron’s oldest child. She’s staying in Pandaria with her husband, Berwick. OOCly – She’s level 88, and will probably be next to 90!

Vessen Amberlight is Thavron's middle child and only son.  He is currently preparing to go to Kalimdor.  He is Rylad's father, the baby in the mage stories.

Vessen Amberlight (level 5) is Thavron’s middle child and only son. He is currently preparing to go to Kalimdor. He is Rylad’s father, the baby in the mage stories.

Yara Amberlight is Thavron's youngest daughter.  It took me forever to find a server where that name was available!

Yara Amberlight (level 1) is Thavron’s youngest daughter. It took me forever to find a server where that name was available!

Nessna Amberlight (Lightmist) is Vessen's wife and Rylad's mother.  She is one of Sanimir's sisters as well, and also will be going ICly to Kalimdor soon!

Nessna Amberlight (Lightmist) is Vessen’s wife and Rylad’s mother. She is one of Sanimir’s sisters as well, and also will be going ICly to Kalimdor soon!  IC only, as she’s level 5 in-game.




Filed under Beroleth, Jaeyn, Jamos, Screenshots, Sourabhi, Theronil, World of Warcraft, Xyliah