Tag Archives: Night Elf

Beta Screenshots

I’ve been in beta the past few weeks and have gotten some screenshots.  I’m not able to play a lot as I have RaF going on right now, but I have had time to find some bugs, and mess around a bit with questing and such.  Some of these are from before the character wipe, and some are after.

Nothing like an archmage to make your mage feel completely inept.

Nothing like an archmage to make your mage feel completely inept.

Sanimir climbs a chain.

Sanimir climbs a chain.

Sakia makes faces.  They've since fixed the female human death knight eyes.  They glow again.

Sakia makes faces. They’ve since fixed the female human death knight eyes. They glow again.

I broke the Ghostlands.

I broke the Ghostlands.

Underwater mushrooms.

Underwater mushrooms.

My favorite follower, Magister Krelas.  He's a mage, with a shield.

My favorite follower, Magister Krelas. He’s a mage, with a shield.

I'd like to point out that this is Jaeyn.  The Orb of Sin'dorei has been fixed?  Maybe? Hopefully?  It hasn't worked right since WotLK.

I’d like to point out that this is Jaeyn. The Orb of Sin’dorei has been fixed? Maybe? Hopefully? It hasn’t worked right since WotLK.

I killed a thing and got a pearl.

I killed a thing and got a pearl.

I used the pearl.

I used the pearl.

Wow, Fiona.  Just... wow.

Wow, Fiona. Just… wow.

So yeah, I can have a goblin building, but no freaking sin'dorei mage tower?  "But it's orc themed so you get a 'spirit lodge'."  Guess I won't be using my garrison for RP.

So yeah, I can have a goblin building, but no freaking sin’dorei mage tower? “But it’s orc themed so you get a ‘spirit lodge’.” Guess I won’t be using my garrison for RP.  Yeah, I am mad.

But look at the nice alliance mage tower.

But look at the nice alliance mage tower.

They even have a fireplace!

Alliance mage tower even has a fireplace!  I removed the ‘spirit lodge’ from my horde garrison just because it was so awful.  I feel like they’re purposely trying to make horrible horde garrisons just to prove they don’t favor the horde, which we all know they do.


I want those glasses for some of my characters. Really.

Sanimir standing in fire in his inn.  Worst inn ever btw, not even my followers will visit.

Sanimir standing in fire in his inn or something. Worst inn ever btw, not even my followers will visit.  Pretty sure there’s supposed to be a basement but it just leads to snow.  I’d guess they haven’t finished with some of the buildings.

Feeling pretty in the goblin workshop building.  Still mad about the 'spirit lodge'.

Feeling pretty in the goblin workshop building. Still mad about the ‘spirit lodge’.

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Filed under Jaeyn, Sakia, Sanimir, Screenshots, World of Warcraft

OOC – 50 Characters to 90

I posted on Tumblr last night about getting 50 characters to 90, and thought I’d do a little breakdown of the classes here now that I’ve had time to get the screenshots sorted and pasted together.  Predictably, I have many hunters, mages and death knights.  I wanted to name this post “Many Elves, Handle It!”.  Anyway, here’s the visual list!

Seven death knights!  Rinztok was my 50th character, so it was just six until yesterday.

Seven death knights at level 90! Rinztok was my 50th character, so it was just six until yesterday.

Only four druids at 90.  I have another alliance druid in my Stormstout groups so there will be a 5th soon.

Only four druids at 90. I have another alliance druid in my Stormstout groups so there will be a 5th soon.

Seven hunters, there will be a few more of those to 90 soon enough too.

Seven hunters, there will be a few more of those to 90 soon enough too.

I was actually surprised that I have seven mages to 90.  Maybe because two of them are the same person IC (Sanimir and Hethurin) and two others are summoners, aka warlocks, IC.  (Aeramin and Vallindra)

I was actually surprised that I have seven mages to 90. Maybe because two of them are the same person IC (Sanimir and Hethurin) and two others are summoners, aka warlocks, IC. (Aeramin and Vallindra)

Only three monks to 90.  I have a few others who are starting to get close, but none in Stormstout groups yet.

Only three monks to 90. I have a few others who are starting to get close, but none in Stormstout groups yet.

Only two paladins.  I realized after I put this together that if you say their names in this order, you get how I feel about pvp.

Only two paladins at 90. I realized after I put this together that if you say their names in this order, you get how I feel about pvp.

I thought I had more priests, but there are only three at 90.  I have many more under 90 though.

I thought I had more priests, but there are only three at 90. I have many more under 90 though.

Rogues are catching up to the death knights, mages and hunters.

Rogues are catching up to the death knights, mages and hunters.

I have a shaman.

I have a shaman.  I have a few others as well, but this is the only one at 90.

Five warlocks to 90, though they're my favorite class now.  There are a couple between 80-89 who will be joining the other 90's soon!

Five warlocks to 90, though they’re my favorite class now. There are a couple between 80-89 who will be joining the other 90’s soon!

And last is five warriors.  I have a couple of these in my Stormstout groups too!

And last is five warriors. I have a couple of these in my Stormstout groups too!

Currently, there are slightly more horde than alliance, though most of my current 85-89’s are alliance, so it’ll even up again!

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Filed under Screenshots, World of Warcraft

Mount Parade – 200 mounts!

I've been working on this one for a while (obviously), and have been even more actively pushing for it over the past month or so when I discovered I only had 5 more to get!  I got my last one at the Argent Tournament.  There is one more alliance mount I could get there, so I'll probably keep going for that.  I also have a few more on horde-side to collect.

I’ve been working on this one for a while (obviously), and have been even more actively pushing for it over the past month or so when I discovered I only had 5 more to get! I got my last one at the Argent Tournament. There is one more alliance mount I could get there, so I’ll probably keep going for that. I also have a few more on horde-side to collect.

Alliance and Horde versions of the mount.  Once you get it on one faction, you get it on both.

Alliance and Horde versions of the mount. Once you get it on one faction, you get it on both.

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Filed under Jaeyn, Screenshots, Uncategorized, Vallindra, WoW

Winter’s Veil 2

Theronil Whitemorn double-checked the crib once more.  In truth, it was more than a double-check.  It was more like his 100th-check.  Isandri was due any day now, and he wanted everything to be perfect for the baby.  He knew the crib had been joined perfectly, but checking made him feel like he wasn’t missing a small flaw somewhere.

In preparing for his son or daughter’s arrival, he’d almost forgotten about Winter’s Veil.  It wasn’t until he went out to get food to bring back to Isandri and saw the decorations that he remembered.  Finding the time to shop for gifts had proved difficult, as he was too busy making sure everything was perfect for the baby’s arrival.  He had no idea what to get Isandri this year either.  It was while he was putting up a shelf in the baby’s room that he remembered the books he used to have as a child.  They came in a set, but were all about different things.  One was about a boy who got a tree for his birthday.  Another was about twins who always did things different.  He couldn’t remember the rest, or even the titles.  He checked at the library, and one of the people there was able to tell him the name of the set, but they didn’t have any copies there.  He checked in the lower city and found nothing there as well.  He then started writing to bookshops in Silvermoon, asking if they had the set there.  Slowly, the replies came back.  None of them had it.  One of them mentioned they hadn’t seen that set for decades.  Theronil thought it was possible he wouldn’t find the books.  He bought a beautiful shawl with intricately woven designs of leaves and flowers on it for Isandri.  She would like that, even though he still hoped to find the books.

Theronil had almost given up when he got a letter from a bookshop in a town in Eversong.  They had the set!  It was old, but the books were mostly in good condition, with the exception of one that had lost its cover.  The shop offered to re-bind it for him.  Theronil had quickly wrote back and arranged to pick up the set.

He smiled to himself as he checked the crib over once more.  Hopefully she would like both the books and the shawl.


Aranae Lightmist sat on the stairs at the Peak of Serenity watching the monks train below.  She knew what time of the year it was.  The pandaren seemed to pick up on the holiday fast and had erected a tree inside one of the buildings.  She could do without the reminders.

Of course she hadn’t heard from -them-.  She didn’t want to, and the more she knew they weren’t even trying, the less she wanted to do with them.  They could all stay in Silvermoon and pamper their favorites this year without her in the way.

She hadn’t seen Tsi Ku since coming back, and often wondered where she could be.  The guy with the cat hadn’t been around either, but there was one person she knew here.  Unfortunately, he was the one who couldn’t take a hint.  Even when she specified for him to get lost, Cadellus still didn’t get it.  He’d better not be planning to get her anything for Winter’s Veil.  She wouldn’t accept it if he did.  It was tempting to go somewhere else just to get away from him.  She smiled to herself.  Maybe it would be best to visit one of the towns for the rest of the holidays.


Rohau felt the wind lift up under his wings as he circled the valley below.  He carried a small burlap sack in his talons, though it was small enough that it did not impede his flight.  He watched carefully as he passed over the trees below.  He let out a quick caw when he finally saw the smaller white bird hidden in the branches of one of the trees.  The other bird looked up, and watched as Rohau landed on the branch next to him.  The other bird started preening as Rohau pulled the burlap bag up on the wide branch.  This one was always preening.  Rohau stuck his head in the bag and pulled out a box with his beak.  He placed it on the limb and pushed it towards the white bird.  The white bird pushed a different package towards Rohau.  Of course he had gotten a gift too.  Rohau carefully pulled the wrapping off, letting the colorful paper drop to the earth below, as the other bird did the same with his present.  Using both his talons and beak, he opened the box.  Inside, was a small jar of perfume.  Using one of his talons, he pressed the top and sprayed just a little bit onto the other talon. He smelled it and cawed happily.  The other bird also cawed happily as he pulled a beaded necklace out of his gift box.  Rohau helped him put it over his head, certain that it would stay in place around the other bird while in flight.  They both cawed happily as they took off with their presents in opposite directions.


Orledin looked up at the sky.  It was still dark.  Not even a hint of light at the horizon told him he still had plenty of time before another day of work started.  He looked down at the small piece of birch wood in his hands.  It was beginning to take shape.  It was a hobby he took up a few years ago.  It was something to do while the world slept.  Most of his projects he had just left wherever he had finished them, none of them meaning that much to him.  However, this one he was doing as a gift, as a way to say thank you to one of the few people who had not judged him for being what he was.  He was pretty sure the captain would like the gift as he resumed whittling the details into the cat-shaped piece of wood.

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Filed under Aranae, Cadellus, Orledin, Rohau, Terivanis, Theronil

Alt Appreciation: Warrior Week

It is the last week of Alt Appreciation weeks at World of Lae.  Thanks for the great idea!  I have a decent amount of warriors because, like a friend, I find they’re versatile for RP.  They make great belligerent drunks, or can easily be just some guy who has to pick up a sword to fight one day, or can be highly trained over thousands of years!  Warrior as a class is something I’m still working on getting a grasp on.  I seem to do great at tanking until level 60 or so.  I’ve played dps on one of my warriors and thanks to an addon telling me what to hit, I do okay, but I really have no idea what I’m doing with that.  Anyway, here are my warriors!

Teniron Whitemorn is currently my only level 90 warrior.  He is a jeweler, turned drunk, turned jeweler again.  He lives in Pandaria with Kit.  I'd love to roleplay with him more, but there's not much opportunity with him staying in Pandaria, so the best he gets is writing unwanted letters to his brother.  He does have max jewelcrafting to match his story.  He tends to wear his armor IC as well.

Teniron Whitemorn is currently my only level 90 warrior. He is a jeweler, turned drunk, turned jeweler again. He lives in Pandaria with Kit. I’d love to roleplay with him more, but there’s not much opportunity with him staying in Pandaria, so the best he gets is writing unwanted letters to his brother. He does have max jewelcrafting to match his story. He tends to wear his armor IC as well.

Jaene is a copy of Jaeyn/Jaen.  He had to have a warrior version after Vassanta taught him to use his sword.  (giggles)

Jaene is a copy of Jaeyn/Jaen.  He is level 85. He had to have a warrior version after Vassanta taught him to use his sword. (giggles)

Aerrissa Summerleaf is Jaeyn's mother.  She's a sentinel, and is currently in Ashenvale.  She's another one of those characters who is 85 and needs to level yet, but I hate Pandaria, so I don't know how she's going to.

Aerrissa Summerleaf is Jaeyn’s mother. She’s a sentinel, and is currently in Ashenvale. She’s another one of those characters who is 85 and needs to level yet, but I hate Pandaria, so I don’t know how she’s going to.


Jaenella is level 82.  She was my first warrior to max level, during Wrath of the Lich King.  She hasn't moved far since then, and sits, mostly forgotten, on my old realm.

Jaenella is level 82. She was my first warrior to max level, during Wrath of the Lich King. She hasn’t moved far since then, and sits, mostly forgotten, on my old realm.

Hernester has a basic backstory.  He might, some time, make an appearance in the Ghostlands.  Who knows?  He's level 80.

Hernester has a basic back story. He might, some time, make an appearance in the Ghostlands. Who knows? He’s level 80.

Ethirdir Redfeather is the oldest son of a hawkstrider farmer who lives along the southern border of Eversong.  He was one of the men in Theronil's unit for the siege storyline, and is Sanimir's cousin.  OOC, he's level 80 and has no matching gear.  Poor guy!

Ethirdir Redfeather is the oldest son of a hawkstrider farmer who lives along the southern border of Eversong. He was one of the men in Theronil’s unit for the siege storyline, and is Sanimir’s cousin. OOC, he’s level 80 and has no matching gear. Poor guy!


Gaelardrim is a builder on the island of Quel'Danas.  He was my first blood elf warrior, created just after the pre-Cata patch.  When Cata dropped and I changed servers, he stayed behind.  I forgot about him for a year or so, then went back to level him a bit.  That's when I noticed he looks an awful lot like one of my mages!  I swear I didn't plan that.  He's level 66.

Gaelardrim is a builder on the island of Quel’Danas.  OOC – He was my first blood elf warrior, created just after the pre-Cata patch. When Cata dropped and I changed servers, he stayed behind. I forgot about him for a year or so, then went back to level him a bit. That’s when I noticed he looks an awful lot like one of my mages! I swear I didn’t plan that. He’s level 66.


Another blood elf warrior!  Arancon Firewind is Aeramin's father, who is supposed to be dead, but time travel happened and a mage goofed up big time.  Now Arancon lives in a house in the Ghostlands, after spending years in Murder Row.  OOC - He needs to get to 60.  I'm working on it.  He's currently in the mid-50's and decked out in BoA's.

Another blood elf warrior! Arancon Firewind is Aeramin’s father, who is supposed to be dead, but time travel happened and a mage goofed up big time. Now Arancon lives in a house in the Ghostlands, after spending years in Murder Row. OOC – He needs to get to 60. I’m working on it. He’s currently in the mid-50’s and decked out in BoA’s.

Stunted, a random level 29 gnome warrior who wears a dress on a realm I don't even pretend to play on.  Poor girl.

Stunted, a random level 29 gnome warrior who wears a dress on a realm I don’t even pretend to play on. Poor girl.



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Filed under Aerrissa, Gaelardrim, Hernester, Jaeyn, Screenshots, Teniron, World of Warcraft

The Siege – Letters

Confessor Morthorn,

Hello!  I thought I would write and give you some news of what’s been happening here.  First, I’ve spoken with Terellion and he’s interested in me too, so that’s really a good thing!  I was worried that he wouldn’t like me.  I do still worry a little that he’s just saying that because he’s afraid of losing his job, but I did tell him that his job was safe no matter what, so I worry a little less now.  I really do want him to like me for me, not because I pay him.

It’s difficult to find time to be alone with him now.  I’ve been very busy lately.  Almost every minute of my day is accounted for.  I’m helping my family in Silvermoon and taking the baby to see Nessna when I’m not teaching classes and giving lessons.  That doesn’t leave much spare time!  When I am free, he’s often working.  I’ve thought about hiring a third person, but he was the only person to show up last time I put an ad up, so maybe I’ll just have to wait for people to get back.  I talked to Tik about it and he said the work is manageable now.  It isn’t if he’s always busy with it!  I do like cake though.  I think he should definitely keep making cake.

Right now, we have a lot of guests too.  Isandri is here with her brother.  He was injured in Kalimdor, and needs to rest.  Sath, Isandri’s brother, is staying in the one room with three beds.  Isandri has the nice guest room over the library.

The other guest room is also occupied.  Aeramin is spending evenings here.  He is fixing a house in the town for his father during the day.  Then he comes here to help Maerista with fire magic.  Mae is one of the new students.  Anyway, he sleeps here at night then goes back to the town after breakfast.  He has agreed to continue teaching here, one day a week, after he returns to Shattrath.  I was a bit worried about him being here at first, but it’s turning out okay.  I don’t see him often because I’m so busy, but when I do, we’re able to talk like we used to when we were friends before.  I think he knows about Terellion.  Maybe that’s why.  Neither of us is jealous of the other now.  I have Terellion and he has Imralion.  He has asked if he can bring Imralion to visit sometime, and I’m okay with that.  I like showing off the school.  I’m proud of what I’ve done here.

Have you ever sat down to write and weren’t able to finish right then, and when you do get a chance to finish, something’s happened that makes all of the other things you wrote look like old news?  That just happened to me.

Anyway, I spent much of the day in Silvermoon yesterday.  It was Aeramin’s birthday, so I bought him a big cupcake at the market.  I didn’t think his father would do anything for him, and I thought it would be weird to ask Terellion to make cake for him, so that’s why I got the cupcake.  It was big with colored sprinkles, and it looked like something the death knight would make.  Did I tell you he bakes?  I mean the death knight!  It’s so tempting every time I go to check on Lani’s house, but I don’t want to get sick so I don’t ask to eat any.

Anyway, I left the cupcake in the room that Aeramin’s staying in, and worked with Xarola for her early afternoon lesson.  She’s still learning theory, but I think she’ll be ready to start casting very soon!  After her lesson, I took Rylad to Silvermoon to visit with family.  My mother is staying at home again, and I guess that’s okay news, except with her there, I feel like I can’t relax at all.  I don’t trust her and I have to always watch.  I never lower my guard.  I really am afraid that she’ll try something, which makes me very nervous when I visit.  She keeps talking about how having a school in the Ghostlands is silly, and I’ll never get enough students to be profitable, and she tells me that I should move back to Silvermoon.  Then she starts telling me about girls my age who are looking for husbands, and the parties that they go to, and she keeps trying to convince me to go to one.  I don’t know what to tell her to make her understand that I really don’t like girls like that!  She likes to talk though, and I don’t want to cause a lot of trouble right now because Nessna is still recovering so I have to listen to it.  I get back home to the school late fairly often.  She insisted on taking me shopping for robes, or I have to stay for supper.  Then she talks and talks and talks forever.  I was late getting back last night too, but I didn’t think it was too late.  It was after supper.  I found Des studying in the dining room.  Tik and Terellion moved the tables back inside, but with all the windows, it’s almost like being outside still.  I worry that it’ll be cold in the winter.  I know it was cold last year, but less of the house was being heated too.

Anyway, I talked to Des a bit.  It really wasn’t that late, but I noticed I hadn’t seen Terellion, so I went to find him.  He was in his room.  His father had been sent to fight in Kalimdor.  He’s not coming back.  His mother lives in Silvermoon with his two sisters.  I’m going to send some money to them, anonymously, so don’t tell!  I want to help them take care of things, without making them feel like they owe me anything.  I’m really worried about Terellion now.  He took the job here to support his family while his father was in Kalimdor.  Now his father is gone.  I thought about offering to have one of the other old houses on the estate fixed up, and then they could move there, but his sisters are young so the Ghostlands probably isn’t the best place for them to be.  I don’t know what to do, and there’s nothing I can say to make it better.  He knows I’m here for him though.

I really hope no one else dies or gets hurt, and everyone comes home safe soon!  Really soon!

– Magister Hethurin Fairsong


Dear Father,

I wanted to thank you for sending me updates on Nessna.  You don’t know how relieved I am that she’s going to make it.  There were a couple of times I wasn’t so sure of it when she was here.

We had someone else in our tent that I think you should know about.  She’d be mad if she knew I was telling, but Aranae has somehow managed to find her way here.  She had a nasty cut on her foot, but she’ll be fine.  She needed some stitches, and was quite her usual self.  She’s still staying here in the tent until I’m sure she won’t wind up with any bad infection.  She is insisting on returning to Pandaria.

I’ve tried speaking with her, but you know how difficult she can be.  Perhaps I can convince her to give us the address of where she plans to go.  I’ll do my best anyway.  The confessor has agreed to speak with her as well.

From what she’s said, they’re pretty far in the tunnels beneath the city, but they’re sure the orc is down there somewhere.  I hope they find him soon.  It’s hot and dusty here.

– Lani


My Dearest Imralion,

I haven’t heard from you lately so I thought I’d write.  I’m still in the Ghostlands.  My birthday was a few days ago.  My father threw a hammer at me.  Maybe it was supposed to be my present.  More likely, he forgot and he was just throwing the hammer at me because I asked him to get it for me.  I put in some new pipes, but there’s still no water.  I did finish the roof on one side, and some of the interior on that same side, but the side with the collapsed wall, I’m not sure what to do.  The biggest part is moving the big pieces.  I was tempted to set them on fire, but I don’t want the rest of the house to catch.

I miss you.  Please be safe.

– Aeramin


Dear Xyliah,

I should have written this letter to you when I received word myself, but I’ve had a difficult week, and I hope you forgive me for not letting you know sooner.  Your brother has lost his life in Orgrimmar.  Nessna was severely injured as well, as they were together at the time.  Yara has been sent home, and is here with me.  I’m sorry about having to tell you in a letter, but the distance doesn’t really make it easy to tell you face to face.

I hope you and Berwick are both doing well and are safe in Pandaria.




My Love, Isandri,

I miss you.  I wanted to let you know that things are looking good from where our supply camp is.  They haven’t asked us to move closer, though they have moved some others.  It seems fairly quiet above ground.  Most of the people I’ve talked to say the orc has tunnels under the city.  I’m certain they’ll find him soon and we’ll be able to come home.  I can’t wait to see you again.  I bet the baby has grown so much too.

There has been a slight increase in injuries being brought into the camp.  I suppose tunnels aren’t the best to fight in.

With the relative safety of the camp, I’ve cut down on the patrols and have organized a boar hunting trip for some of the people I’m working with.  It’s completely not sanctioned, but since a lot of the other camps are further away now, I don’t think anyone will notice.

I was on one of my patrols yesterday, when I came across this small flowering plant right here in the desert.  I thought they were beautiful, like you, so I picked some for you.  I know they’re not dried properly, but I’m including them with this letter between two separate pieces of paper.  Maybe the mail will press them for you!

I love you.  I hope to be home soon!

– Thero


Dear Raleth,

You’re still alive, right?  Naraleth has another tooth.  I think he needs a bottle because he really likes using his teeth.  He doesn’t like riding with his head in the sling anymore when I go out to get things.  He likes to look around, but then people look at him.  Do you think it’ll be easier when he gets older?

Oh, I got another letter from my grandfather.  This one didn’t have blood on it, but I think it was on paper he found.  He said there’s still crazy orcs in the Barrens.  Should I write and tell him that’s old news?

I haven’t seen Isandri in a while, but I did see Kestrae briefly.  I feel like everyone’s gone and left me alone.  Are you coming home soon?  I love you really a lot!

– Lali

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Filed under Aeramin, Lanthiriel, Latahlali, Letter, Sanimir, Theronil, World of Warcraft, Xyliah

Alt Appreciation – Rogue Week


It is rogue week at World of Lae!  I do like my rogues, and I probably have way too many, even if none of them are that well geared or anything.  I’m not a good rogue.  I forget to hit cloak of shadows when I vanish.  I forget I can pick pocket.  Sometimes I forget to put poisons on!  But it is a lot of fun being able to sneak around mobs, or in one rogue’s case, pvp hotspots on his pvp realm.  Anyway, here’s my rogues!

Latahlali Ashclaw is a very young kaldorei.  She grew up around the tauren, even being named for one of them.  After the orcs arrived, her family moved closer to Ashenvale for safety, and during the cataclysm, when the orcs pushed further into the forest, she lost her parents.  Her grandfather found her and took her to the hills where he believed it to be safe.  From there, she went on occasional trips to Darnassus for supplies.  It was during one of those trips that she met Andarthir, who took her on as an apprentice, until her grandfather proved to be too much trouble.  Latahlali still wanted to become a mage, so she wound up studying with Raleth, a sin'dorei mage, and eventually marrying him.  She lives in Shattrath with him, their son, and three cats.  She is currently waiting for Raleth to come home from the siege on Orgrimmar.  OOC - She's a level 90 rogue, and was my bg main during Cataclysm.  She is also the GM of .  She was also my very first character on Wyrmrest Accord.  I created her to sort of check out the server before I transferred Jaeyn there!

Latahlali Ashclaw is a very young kaldorei. She grew up around the tauren, even being named for one of them. After the orcs arrived, her family moved closer to Ashenvale for safety, and during the cataclysm, when the orcs pushed further into the forest, she lost her parents. Her grandfather found her and took her to the hills where he believed it to be safe. From there, she went on occasional trips to Darnassus for supplies. It was during one of those trips that she met Andarthir, who took her on as an apprentice, until her grandfather proved to be too much trouble. Latahlali still wanted to become a mage, so she wound up studying with Raleth, a sin’dorei mage, and eventually marrying him. She lives in Shattrath with him, their son, and three cats. She is currently waiting for Raleth to come home from the siege on Orgrimmar. OOC – She’s a level 90 rogue with a mage double, and was my pvp main during Cataclysm. She is also the GM of Gastropod. She was also my very first character on Wyrmrest Accord. I created her to sort of check out the server before I transferred Jaeyn there!

Vaelarian Ashclaw is a very old kaldorei and is Latahlali's grandfather.  He's currently lurking around Ashenvale.  OOC - He is also level 90.  I dual-boxed him and Latahlali.  Things died fast.

Vaelarian Ashclaw is a very old kaldorei and is Latahlali’s grandfather. He’s currently lurking around Ashenvale. OOC – He is also level 90. I dual-boxed him and Latahlali. Things died fast.

Alinash Brightblaze is a Stormwind elf.  No matter that he's sin'dorei.  Despite his youth, he's gotten into a lot of trouble in Silvermoon.  He feels safer in Stormwind.  He rents a place from an old woman who doesn't see very well, and tucks his ears inside a low-brimmed hat if he has to go out.  He's part of the Tangle of Brambles storyline, and likes hanging out with the Harrier.  OOC - Level 90, and yes, I did actually take him to Stormwind for the screenshot, though usually for RP, we pick a spot outside the city.

Alinash Brightblaze is a Stormwind elf. No matter that he’s sin’dorei. Despite his youth, he’s gotten into a lot of trouble in Silvermoon, and he feels much safer in Stormwind. He rents a place from an old woman who doesn’t see very well, and tucks his ears inside a low-brimmed hat if he has to go out. He’s part of the Tangle of Brambles storyline, and likes hanging out with the Harrier. OOC – Level 90, and yes, I did actually take him to Stormwind for the screenshot, though usually for RP, we pick a spot outside the city.

Tik is the butler in the Fairsong Academy storyline.  He was born and raised in the house, and calls it home.  OOC - I thought I got a better screenshot, but this one works.  Tik is level 90, and is one of two 90's off my main server.  His server is very low pop, one of the lowest, and is a pvp server.  He is my first character ever to level solely to max level on a pvp server.

Tik is the butler in the Fairsong Academy storyline. He was born and raised in the house, and calls it home. OOC – I thought I got a better screenshot, but this one works. Tik is level 90, and is one of two 90’s off my main server. His server is very low pop, one of the lowest, and is a pvp server. He is my first character ever to level solely to max level on a pvp server.

Artero DiRossi has made a couple of guest appearances in the Tangle of Brambles storyline.  He works in Stormwind as an independent appraiser.  OOC - He's my level 85 banker rogue.  Of note, he leveled to 85 without doing a single quest.  I've done a couple on him since then though, since now, the battle pet dailies count as quests for all characters on the account, at least, as far as the statistics page goes.  So if it doesn't show him as having done 0 quests because another character did a pet battle daily, then there's really no reason to not do quests anymore.  It was amusing while it lasted though.

Artero DiRossi has made a couple of guest appearances in the Tangle of Brambles storyline. He works in Stormwind as an independent appraiser. OOC – He’s my level 85 banker rogue. Of note, he leveled to 85 without doing a single quest. I’ve done a couple on him since then though, since now, the battle pet dailies count as quests for all characters on the account, at least, as far as the statistics page goes. So if it doesn’t show him as having done 0 quests because another character did a pet battle daily, then there’s really no reason to not do quests anymore. It was amusing while it lasted though.  He’s one of my very few humans.

Aerissa is the rogue double of Aerrissa, the warrior.  Aerrissa Summerleaf is a sentinel who just wants some time to herself.  I think she's managed to get it.  OOC - She's level 85, and probably will remain there for a bit.  I'm not eager to level another rogue in Pandaria.  It's a near death experience with each mob.

Aerissa is the rogue double of Aerrissa, the warrior. Aerrissa Summerleaf is a sentinel who just wants some time to herself. I think she’s managed to get it. OOC – She’s level 85, and probably will remain there for a bit. I’m not eager to level another rogue in Pandaria. It’s a near death experience with each mob, especially once you get to Townlong and Dread Wastes.

Tahro has no IC story.  She's a level 81 rogue, and was my first rogue to hit max level, when Wrath of the Lich King was current content, and the level cap was 80.  Obviously, she hasn't seen much action since then.  Most likely, this is because I left her on my old server.  She was my very first banker character, but has retired and passed the banking on to Youbuycat.

Tahro has no IC story. She’s a level 81 rogue, and was my first rogue to hit max level, when Wrath of the Lich King was current content, and the level cap was 80. Obviously, she hasn’t seen much action since then. Most likely, this is because I left her on my old server. She was my very first banker character, but has retired and passed the banking on to Youbuycat.

Kanedama is my only goblin.  I hate isolated start zones, and can't bear the thought of having to be stuck on that island doing the same quests in the same order again.  (Same goes for pandas and worgen!  Death knights almost qualify except you can leave after a few levels so it's not so bad!)  Kanedama is another banker character.  She has no stories and is level 80 on a pve realm.

Kanedama is my only goblin. I hate isolated start zones, and can’t bear the thought of having to be stuck on that island doing the same quests in the same order again. (Same goes for pandas and worgen! Death knights almost qualify except you can leave after a few levels so it’s not so bad!) Kanedama is another banker character. She has no stories and is level 80 on a pve realm.

Mondevonse has a cool name and was one of my RaF characters.  He's level 80.

Mondevonse has a cool name and was one of my RaF characters. He’s level 80.

Jaedra was also leveled with RaF.  I normally do not like female sin'dorei animations, but I do like their stealth crouch.  She's level 80.

Jaedra was also leveled with RaF. I normally do not like female sin’dorei animations, but I do like their stealth crouch. She’s level 80.

Rotariggy is holding on to all of my timeless isle extras.  She's going to need bigger bags.  She's level 29.

Rotariggy is holding on to all of my timeless isle extras. She’s going to need bigger bags. She’s level 29.

I hate pandas.  I thought the only way I could play one is if it was funny.  So we have Bishou, the fat rogue.  It's funny.  Who's not going to see him sneaking around?  Anyway I was wrong.  He's sitting at level 13.  After having pandas shoved down my throat all expansion, I don't want to see them anymore.  Bishou remains a panda because race changing him would mean I wasted time on that stupid turtle that I was stuck on until level 12.  I'm going to end my panda rant here before it gets worse.

I hate pandas. I thought the only way I could play one is if it was funny. So we have Bishou, the fat rogue. It’s funny. Who’s not going to see him sneaking around? Anyway I was wrong. He’s sitting at level 13. After having pandas shoved down my throat all expansion, I don’t want to see them anymore. Bishou remains a panda because race changing him would mean I wasted time on that stupid turtle that I was stuck on until level 12. I’m going to end my panda rant here before it gets worse.

Traela is level 11 and has heirloom legs so I don't know.  She might be leveled some day. Or she might sit in Tranquillien looking pretty in her heirloom legs forever.

Traela is level 11 and has heirloom legs so I don’t know. She might be leveled some day.
Or she might sit in Tranquillien looking pretty in her heirloom legs forever.

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Filed under Aerrissa, Alinash, Latahlali, Screenshots, Tik, Vaelarian, World of Warcraft

Alt Appreciation – Priest Week

It is priest week in the alt appreciation thread at World of Lae.  Priests are one of my Goldilocks classes.  Not too many, not too few.  Just right.  Erm, well, they fall in the middle anyway.  Here’s my priests!

Isturon Lightmist is one of my older sin'dorei.  He is father of six grown children, and the grandfather of Rylad in the stories.  He lives in Silvermoon, and has his own practice which he runs out of the front part of his home.  OOC - He's a level 90 disc priest and may have a legendary cloak before the expansion ends if I can bring myself to do the pvp again.

Isturon Lightmist is one of my older sin’dorei. He is father of six grown children, and the grandfather of Rylad in the stories. He lives in Silvermoon, and has his own practice which he runs out of the front part of his home. OOC – He’s a level 90 disc priest and may have a legendary cloak before the expansion ends if I can bring myself to do the pvp again.

Lanthiriel Lightmist is Isturon's second daughter.  Until recently, she worked with him in Silvermoon.  She is now one of the healers for the siege storyline, and is stationed outside Orgrimmar a ways.  When she returns, she hopes to open her own practice in the Ghostlands.  OOC - She just hit 90, and is also a disc priest.

Lanthiriel (Lani) Lightmist is Isturon’s second daughter. Until recently, she worked with him in Silvermoon. She is now one of the healers for the siege storyline, and is stationed outside Orgrimmar a ways. When she returns, she hopes to open her own practice in the Ghostlands. OOC – She just hit 90, and is also a disc priest.

Kelanori Summerleaf lives in Feralas with Ornasse and their son, Farahlor.  OOC - She's level 86 and Holy/Disc.  Also, she was my first priest to max level ever, during Wrath of the Lich King, and I used to heal our alt ICC group with her.

Kelanori Summerleaf lives in Feralas with Ornasse and their son, Farahlor. OOC – She’s level 86 and Holy/Disc. Also, she was my first priest to max level ever, during Wrath of the Lich King, and I used to heal our alt ICC group with her.

Iselwen Moonflower has played a small part in some stories.  She is a birthing priestess and helps bring babies into the world.  She has her own daughter, Zhyra.  OOC - She's a level 81 disc priest.

Iselwen Moonflower has played a small part in some stories. She is a birthing priestess and helps bring babies into the world. She has her own daughter, Zhyra. OOC – She’s a level 81 disc priest.

Haani is a priestess in Shattrath and has also played a small part in some stories.  OOC - She's a level 80 shadow priest.

Haani is a priestess in Shattrath and has also played a small part in some stories. OOC – She’s a level 80 shadow priest.

Colranos hasn't had any part of any stories yet.  He's just looking for a place to fit in.  Maybe someday!  OOC - He's a level 53 disc priest.  I always burn out on BRD.  Getting them past that dungeon is the worst!

Colranos hasn’t had any part of any stories yet. He’s just looking for a place to fit in. Maybe someday! OOC – He’s a level 53 disc priest. I always burn out on BRD. Getting them past that dungeon is the worst!

Jaenzol still has her doomsday message from the pre-cata event quests.  She has no part in stories and probably never will.  She is a level 35 shadow priest.

Jaenzol still has her doomsday message from the pre-cata event quests. She has no part in stories and probably never will. She is a level 35 shadow priest.

And I have quite a few level 1 alts, but here are a couple worth mentioning:

Esladra Lightmist is Isturon's fourth daughter.  She lives in Silvermoon, and is still in her studies.  OOC - Level 1!

Esladra Lightmist is Isturon’s fourth daughter. She lives in Silvermoon, and is still in her studies. OOC – Level 1!

Aalaa is going to be my disc priest alt on Stormrage.  Vinhesla needs an alt.  Aalaa is level 2 and needs a leveling plan yet.  I haven't been leveling a lot recently, but I have a feeling as SoO drags on, I'll have more time!

Aalaa is going to be my disc priest alt on Stormrage. Vinhesla needs an alt. Aalaa is level 2 and needs a leveling plan yet. I haven’t been leveling a lot recently, but I have a feeling as SoO drags on, I’ll have more time!


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Filed under Iselwen, Isturon, Kelanori, Lanthiriel, Screenshots, World of Warcraft


I apologize for the lack of stories lately.  I got hit with a nasty cold earlier this week, and the best I’ve been able to do is log in and hit random buttons for combat.  Thinking isn’t really needed for that, right?  Anyway, to make up for the lack of stories, here’s some screenshots.  Luckily, the cold is clearing up, so I should be able to write something soon!

Muffins sleeps next to Sanimir.  Yeah, he's totally just sleeping.  Totally didn't die because I was too sick to move out of that thing.

Muffins sleeps next to Sanimir. Yeah, he’s totally just sleeping. Totally didn’t die because I was too sick to move out of that thing.

I took Isturon into LFR and found someone with almost the exact same tmog.  She had the belt.  He has better boots.  They had different weapons too, but same shoulders, robes, hat and gloves.

I took Isturon into LFR and found someone with almost the exact same tmog. She had the belt. He has better matching boots. They had different weapons too, but same shoulders, robes, hat and gloves.

Burd gets picked up by a bird.  Geez, that looks like it has to hurt.

Burd gets picked up by a bird. Geez, that looks like it has to hurt.

Tik got some playtime this week.  He may get the achievement on all the rares before my characters on more populated realms.  Luckily, it only takes a few to kill them, and they stay up a lot longer on his realm.  I've been having fun with him on the Timeless Isle, and he was my first character to get anything off of Ordos, a 359 belt.  Unfortunately, gems are so expensive on his realm, he'll never be able to gem it.  Maybe if they ever get virtual realms running for it!

Tik got some playtime this week. He may get the achievement on all the rares before my characters on more populated realms. Luckily, it only takes a few to kill them, and they stay up a lot longer on his realm. I’ve been having fun with him on the Timeless Isle, and he was my first character to get anything off of Ordos, a 359 belt. Unfortunately, gems are so expensive on his realm, he’ll never be able to gem it. Maybe if they ever get virtual realms running for it!

I also sent Tik on a mission to get some matching gear.  I figured quests would be my best bet because drops are unreliable.  Tik is now the proud owner of a riverboat.

I also sent Tik on a mission to get some matching gear. I figured quests would be my best bet because drops are unreliable. Tik is now the proud owner of a riverboat.

He also learned how to fly!

He also learned how to fly!

Arancon hit 50!

Arancon hit 50!

I’ve also been trying out flex raiding on my horde lock through Open Raid.  It’s been really fun, and I’ve learned a lot that I can take with Vin when she does normal modes, and with Jaeyn for our flex group.  Here’s a few screenshots of the second wing:

Aethas has a face?

Aethas has a face?

Lor'themar didn't die this time.  He was the sole survivor at 1% health!  Wiping is sad on the first boss.

Lor’themar didn’t die this time. He was the sole survivor at 1% health! Wiping is sad on the first boss.

The third boss has a LOT going on.  It's crazy.

The third boss has a LOT going on. It’s crazy.

Goblin target practice.

Goblin target practice.


Okay, this is NOT of the second wing, but it leads into one.  This is something that you can see happening in Orgrimmar now.

Okay, this is NOT of the second wing, but it leads into one. This is something that you can see happening in Orgrimmar now.

And from the raid instance, it looks like they didn't surrender quietly.

And from the raid instance, it looks like they didn’t surrender quietly.


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Filed under Aeramin, Isturon, Sanimir, Terivanis, Tik, World of Warcraft

Alt Appreciation – Monk Week

It is monk week at World of Lae.  This will probably be one of my shortest weeks, having only four monks who have leveled at all.  They’re right there with my shamans and paladins.  It’s not that I don’t enjoy the class.  I do.  I just don’t have room for more, or more ideas for writing them.

Jaen, copy of Jaeyn the hunter and Jaene the warrior.  He's a level 52 brewmaster monk.  I should mention now that none of my monks have very good transmogs either.  It's rather obvious for this one!  In stories, he lives on Draenor with his mate, Vassanta.

Jaen, copy of Jaeyn the hunter and Jaene the warrior. He’s a level 52 brewmaster monk. I should mention now that none of my monks have very good transmogs either. It’s rather obvious for this one! In stories, he lives on Draenor with his mate, Vassanta.


Gwilendil was part of a RaF team.  She is still level 80 and has no story.

Gwilendil was part of a RaF team. She is still level 80 and has no story.  She’s my windwalker monk.

Aranae Lightmist is a level 81 brewmaster monk.  IC, she says she kicks things in the face.  She is the youngest of Sanimir's older sisters.

Aranae Lightmist is a level 81 brewmaster monk. IC, she says she kicks things in the face. She is the youngest of Sanimir’s older sisters.

Cadellus was also part of a RaF team but he has gone on to make it to level 82.  He's a mistweaver, and I've found I really do like monk healing.  In stories, he's part of the scout group sent to Kalimdor.  He's been trying to get out of having to do anything more with the scouts.  He'd really like to go back to train more!

Cadellus was also part of a RaF team but he has gone on to make it to level 82. He’s a mistweaver, and I’ve found I really do like monk healing. In stories, he’s part of the scout group sent to Kalimdor. He’s been trying to get out of having to do anything more with the scouts. He’d really like to go back to train more!




Filed under Aranae, Cadellus, Jaeyn, Screenshots, World of Warcraft