Monthly Archives: June 2013

Livestream Leveling

Leveling my dwarf warlock live on livestream this morning!

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Here’s my level 4 Pyroelementalist mage, Aeramin.

He summons things and burns stuff up.  Other than that, I have no idea what I'm doing yet.

He summons things and burns stuff up. Other than that, I have no idea what I’m doing yet.

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Filed under Aeramin, Rift, Screenshots

Sims 3 Screenshots

I sent the Lightmists back to the university.  This time dad went with his three eldest daughters.  He and the eldest two had enough credits to graduate.  Nessna, the third daughter, aced her final exam as well, but will need to go back for more credits eventually.  I’m content to play with the home for now.  She can wait until Esladra is ready to go too.

Nessna playing with her kicky bag.  She loves this thing.

Nessna playing with her kicky bag. She loves this thing.

She even tries to get dad to play.  He's not very good at it.

She even tries to get dad to play. He’s not very good at it.

Vallindra: Rawr, world domination! Isturon: ...

Vallindra: Rawr, world domination!
Isturon: Calm down, Val.

Isturon is very happy to graduate!

Isturon is very happy to graduate!

Sanimir is so sorry he didn't write while his sisters were away at school.

Sanimir is so sorry he didn’t write while his sisters were away at school.

Xanaroth Embersun visits the Lightmist household and tries to act smooth while bowling in the basement.  He failed to let go of the bowling ball.  Vallindra doesn't look impressed at all.

Xanaroth Embersun visits the Lightmist household and tries to act smooth while bowling in the basement. He failed to let go of the bowling ball. Vallindra doesn’t look impressed at all.

That's better Xan!

That’s better Xan!

Nessna yells taunts at her brother for being a failure on a treadmill.

Nessna yells taunts at her brother for being a failure on a treadmill.

Sanimir skates for the first time.

Sanimir skates for the first time.









Filed under Isturon, Lanthiriel, Sanimir, Screenshots, The Sims, Vallindra

Sims 3 Screenshots

The two eldest daughters of the Lightmist family went with dad to the university.  They all aced their classes!  They have to go back for one term yet to get their last six credits to graduate (all three of them!)  Anyway, here’s some screenshots.

The family that studies together aces tests together.  I had them rent a home rather than stay in the dorm.  I don't think Isturon would have appreciated dorm life.

The family that studies together aces tests together. I had them rent a home rather than stay in the dorm. I don’t think Isturon would have appreciated dorm life.

The student union building has table tennis, allowing Vallindra and Lanthiriel to continue their rivalry.  Guess who won this one!

The student union building has table tennis, allowing Vallindra and Lanthiriel to continue their rivalry. Guess who won this one!

The bowling alley isn't far from where they live either.  Here's Lani getting a strike!

The bowling alley isn’t far from where they live either. Here’s Lani getting a strike!

Lani, chatting on the phone.

Lani, chatting on the phone.

Isturon, thinking of Sanimir.

Isturon, thinking of Sanimir.

Vallindra, playing fetch with a werewolf.

Vallindra, playing fetch with a werewolf in the rain at night.

Isturon supervises the table tennis drinking games.

Isturon supervises the table tennis drinking games.

Isturon gives Vallindra a hug.  Aww.

Isturon gives Vallindra a hug. Aww.

Vallindra needs a new umbrella

Vallindra needs a new umbrella.

Isturon and Lani taking notes.  There's a werewolf sitting behind them.  Maybe that's why Isturon is making that face!

Isturon and Lani taking notes. There’s a werewolf sitting behind them. Maybe that’s why Isturon is making that face!

Isturon pours pink sparkle dust onto the sushi as Vallindra fixes the sink.  I guess?

Isturon pours pink sparkle dust onto the sushi as Vallindra fixes the sink. I guess?

Vallindra talks to Ashmore.  Lani has her own baby black dragon now as well.  His name is Nerfarion.

Vallindra talks to Ashmore. Lani has her own baby black dragon now as well. His name is Nerfarion.












Filed under Isturon, Lanthiriel, Screenshots, The Sims, Vallindra

Aeramin’s Notes

  • Im and I have been staying in Shadowmoon Valley at the inn.  He’s the only blood knight initiate staying in one of the rooms here.  The rest of them are staying in tents.  I’m paying for the room though, and I want him with me.  Hopefully the others aren’t too jealous that he has a roof over his head here and they don’t.  They should get their own boyfriends.

  • I spend most of my time in Shadowmoon now with Im here.  I go back to Shattrath every few days to check the house and see if there’s any mail.  I also take care of Sarwyn while I’m there.  Im doesn’t know that part.  If I don’t find time to take care of the succubus, then it gets irritable, and while it doesn’t directly disobey, it stalls as long as it can, and finds every loophole possible.  It’s just easier to do it and get it over with, at least for a few days.  Hopefully soon, I can just work with one of the others.

  • I get Imralion some pie while I’m there too.  It lessens the guilt.  A little.

  • On the last trip, I had to meet with a couple of people.  I got a really large order for invitations.  I don’t know the people, but they’re having a really big wedding.  I’ve been working on them in my spare time in Shadowmoon, usually in the morning.

  • I still go out in the afternoon for my lesson and practice.  Honestly, my lessons are less frequent now, so it’s mostly just practice.  Kes has told me that I’ve reached the extent of what she can teach me.  While that’s a good thing, it means I’ve succeeded and that my training is almost done, I can’t help but feel a little sad.  I’ve spent the past year studying under her.  It’s hard to think of it being almost over.  I’m not sure I like the idea of being on my own with it.  Hopefully, I’ll still be able to come to her if I have any questions.

  • I should be able to.  I mean, she should still be here.  She lives in Shattrath too.  Embersun will be around too, but he’ll probably never see me as an equal.  That’s fine.  I’ve spent most of my life being looked down at.  I’m just a kid from Murder Row.

  • Being a summoner is a lot better than being a prostitute.  Of course, as far as anyone knows, I’m just a fire mage.

  • Kes found a stone that looks like the others that we found.  It took all of my willpower to tell her to hold onto it.  I wanted to run upstairs with it and find out if it fitted with the other pieces.  Despite my curiosity, we need to go about things carefully.  I’d feel better about it if Embersun and Vallindra were present when we put it all together.  We don’t know what will happen, so we have to proceed with caution.  I knew I’d be tempted if she left the piece that she found with me, so I asked her to hold onto it for the time being.

  • I’m excited about it, but worried at the same time.  What if we put it together and nothing happens?  But then, what if we put it together and something does happen?  Of course, just finding the four pieces spread all over Outland makes it appear that something is already happening.  It can’t be coincidence.  It would be highly unlikely.  I suppose we will see soon enough.

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Filed under Aeramin, Journal, World of Warcraft

Vallindra’s Notes

  • The magister bought me chocolate and I got him pie.  I don’t know if that’s what made things better, but they are now.  We talked too.  That probably helped.  He knows I’m not going to give up work now, and has accepted it.

  • He agrees with me that children would be a bad idea.  It’s not that I don’t like kids.  I mean, well okay I don’t, but after helping my mother to raise most of my siblings, can anyone blame me?  Babies stink and drool and need you to do everything for them.  Then when they start moving, they thank you by breaking everything and eating things they’re not supposed to, oh and falling down the stairs.  Ugh!  We don’t have stairs, but still the rest of it is enough that I never want to do it again.  They’re not even cute either.  People just paint them that way.

  • He wanted to use the scrying mirrors to check on me.  I don’t mind that.  I’ve been bringing one with me and leaving the other at home.  He can contact me anytime he wants.  He’s rather adorable when he does contact me.  He almost looks like he’s upset that he’s bothering me.  I’m happy if it reassures him though.

  • We spoke briefly about a felguard.  He thinks I should have one.  I’m not so sure about that.  I’m not sure if I’m ready for one, and I really don’t care to lose an eye, or more, trying to find out.  Maybe in a few months.  I know that ultimately, it would be safer working with the felguard, but not until I’m ready to control something like that.  As it is now, there are some days the imp tries my patience.  Not that I ever lose control of it.  It’s bound, but if an imp’s mouth irritates me, I can just imagine a felguard.

  • I received a letter from mother.  Apparently, father has gotten into one of his moods where he’s not talking to her or, more probably, knowing her, talking but not saying the right things.  Anyway, she wants me to come talk sense into him.  Since when has that ever helped?  I’ll wait a few days.  It’ll probably blow over by then.

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Filed under Journal, Vallindra, World of Warcraft

Lanthiriel’s Diary

Dear Diary,

I’m not supposed to keep notes on him.  He’s not my patient anymore.  I can still write in my diary though.  I know there’s a risk that someone will read it, but I can lessen that risk by keeping this book in my office.  I’ll write something simple about him doing fine and having a nice visit in my decoy diary in my bedroom.

I arrived there late on Friday.  My father and I had finished with our surgery earlier that day.  Usually, I stay up on Friday nights to check on the patient and his or her recovery.  There rarely are any problems, but many times they’ll wake up a bit more in the early hours and need something for the pain.  That’s usually my job, but this week– This week has been rough.  I asked father if I might be able to leave a day early to go visit my brother.  I didn’t have to explain why.  He knows.  He told me to go and that he’d stay in the office that night.

I feel a bit guilty that I left him to explain to mother where I was, but I really don’t want to speak to her much myself right now.  He’s been doing a good job of keeping her from cornering me, but they’ve been arguing about that as well.  They’ve been arguing about a lot of things.  It’s constant whenever they’re in the same room.  He doesn’t raise his voice.  He’s not like that, but she does.  Mostly, she’s upset about Sanimir.  She refuses to call him Hethurin.  She keeps trying to talk to me, but father intervenes.  She keeps saying we’re the ones driving her son away.

Anyway, it was good to be able to leave a day early.  I just feel bad about leaving father to deal with her, but I guess he’s getting used to it.  I’m worried because I’ve never seen him stay in the guest room for so long.  I don’t know what’s going to happen.

Hethurin was busy Friday night, but his butler did let me in.  I was surprised to find Confessor Morthorn was there.  I mean, it’s good that he has someone to talk to, and that someone from the town is able to check in on him regularly.  I appreciate that.  I had supper there, and went up to my room.

Oh, the place really is haunted.  My windows were closed, but the curtains kept moving. Once I thought I saw something and I screamed.  I don’t know what it was, but now I think maybe it was just a shadow.  I hope I didn’t wake anyone up.

I did eventually get to sleep, but I was a little late coming down for breakfast in the morning.  Hethurin was giving his morning lesson to his students in the dining room, so I ate in the kitchen while waiting.  I was able to talk to the butler, Tik, a little.  I wondered why he would want to live in such a place.  Turns out, it’s because he’s always lived here, and he’s doing what he’s always done.  I think he misses the old family, but he enjoys working for my brother too.  He did say it was a little different having a magister in the house.

I was finally able to speak with Hethurin late in the morning.  We went for a walk outside in the garden.  It’s so lovely there.  All of the plants are flowering, and it was perfect with the view of the sea.  We sat and talked for a while out there.  One of the first things he said was that he wanted to invite father, but didn’t want to cause any problems.  I hated having to tell him that problems are already started.  I told him they had been arguing, pretty much constantly since Vallindra’s wedding.

I guess maybe I wound up needing to talk more than he did.  I told him how worried I was, and even started crying at one point.  That was when I felt his arms go around me.  He hugged me.  I really wasn’t expecting that.  He’s spent so much time pushing everyone away that it was a surprise that he’d care enough to want to comfort me.

Of course, it all worried him too, but I did convince him to invite father, regardless.  He’ll jump at the opportunity to visit, and I don’t think it’s going to make much more trouble.  Things are already bad.

I didn’t want to come back home, but I have appointments to see to on Monday mornings.  He invited me back next week, along with father.  We’ll probably both go together on Saturday after our surgery patient goes home.

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Filed under Journal, Lanthiriel, World of Warcraft

Runaway Monk

Aranae Lightmist peeked out from the small opening in the rocks.  It was still raining.  She had lucked out on finding the small cave by the shore.  The opening had been just big enough for her to squeeze through, but was spacious enough inside for her to lay down her bedroll with a little room to spare.  The opening to the small cave was hidden away under shelf of rock along the outcropping of rocky cliffs on the coast.  She had originally planned to take shelter under the rock shelf.  It was purely by luck that she found the cave there.

She frowned as she gathered together some of the dry wood she had stashed just inside the opening.  It would have to stop soon or she would run out.  She put them on the blackened area just outside the cave entrance, but still under the shelf of rock.  She had no need of the fire for warmth as the summer temperatures provided that, but the vegetables she had found were best cooked.  She took her tinderbox from her pack to start the fire.

She had thought about her decision to leave.  It had been a few days now, and she was still trying to decide whether it was the right thing to do or not.  She was certain no one at the camp cared what happened to her.  No one had come to find her, though that was a good thing.  Of course, after thinking about it, she realized she wouldn’t know if they were looking or not.  Probably not.  Maybe Master Cheng would miss his reports on her progress.  Maybe.  Overall, it felt more right than wrong.

However, living on uprooted wild vegetables and whatever else she could find, wasn’t as easy as she had thought it would be.  Her sister, Nessna, had spoken of wilderness camping with great fondness, but Aranae was beginning to figure out it wasn’t for her.  She wouldn’t be able to stay in the cave forever.  She’d have to make it to the mainland at some point, hopefully soon.  Maybe she could stowaway on one of the boats.

But then where would she go?  She thought about returning to Silvermoon and immediately dismissed the idea.  She would never go back there.  Maybe the bears wouldn’t bother her much if she built a home in the hills and only came into town for supplies once or twice a year.

The fire caught, and she turned her attention to the vegetables.  She had already peeled them, and now she set about sliding them onto a sharpened stick to hold over the fire.  As good as they were, she hated cooking in all forms.  Her mother had always been good at cooking.  She had never missed an opportunity to tell Aranae what she was doing wrong, when she was still being asked to help.

“I’m better off without them all.” she muttered to herself.

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Filed under Aranae, Story, World of Warcraft

Qiraji Guardling

I decided to stay up until “midnight” (aka 3am with time zones) last night to try my luck at getting a Qiraji Guardling pet.  I didn’t think I’d get one.  I decided against going on one of my non-cross-realm zoned realms (PVP and pet battles, eww), and instead went to one with a lower pop RP CRZ.  I can’t imagine what it was like on Wyrmrest Accord and Moon Guard since they share the same zone, even if they’re PVE!  (I still haven’t figured out why they would keep the two highest pop RP servers in the same cross-realm!)  Anyway, it wasn’t overly crowded when I got there on my quiet RP realm, but there were enough people that not everyone got one when they spawned at midnight.  I was extremely lucky with my little slow mount!  I’ve been reading that it’s about a 5 hour respawn.

Thanks to mage Aeramin, I've finished the achievements and gotten my Zookeeper title.

Thanks to mage Aeramin, I’ve finished the achievements and unlocked my Zookeeper title.

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Filed under Aeramin, Screenshots, World of Warcraft

Letter to Tsi Ku (unsent)

Tsi Ku,

I’m sorry I’m not able to talk to you personally, but I thought it was best if I left before there was any trouble.  Yes, I’m leaving.  I feel like such a fool for thinking Toruviel and I were friends because I saved his life.  He didn’t even want to be saved, and he blames me.  He must hate me so much.

I figured it out last night.  They were serving tiger steaks, and I just couldn’t, not after working with Clementine, so I just figured I’d starve for the night.  I went to sit with Toruviel to talk for a bit next to the fire.  He had went fishing and was cooking his fish there.  I kind of hinted that I might be hungry, and he gave the fish to his cat.  Then he said I could have what she didn’t eat.  Yeah, that’s a great way to show appreciation to someone who saved your life!  Anyway, I tried to brush it off as him being weird.  I asked about fishing, and he made a big deal about not wanting to show me the basics.  A friend would want to help, wouldn’t they?  He didn’t.  He didn’t even want to talk about it.  It was up to me to just go and figure it out on my own according to him.  That’s when I asked him, and he said that maybe he didn’t want to be saved.  I feel like such an idiot.

I’ve been a little sad since returning from my visit to Silvermoon.  My family hardly paid any attention to me when I went to see them, and I’ve kind of figured out for sure that what happens to me really doesn’t matter to them.  My old friends have all went on too, like I was nothing to them.  It’s one of those things that’s a bit difficult to accept, even though I’ve been living with it almost my whole life.  Especially after my brother was born.

He was at the wedding as well.  Of course everyone paid attention to him.  I don’t know.  I don’t mind him so much, it’s just the way everyone else treats him.  Mostly the way our mother treats him.  He’s the most important thing in the world.  That daughter who’s been gone for over six months?  She doesn’t matter.  I did talk to him briefly at the wedding.  I told him I would write.  I’m not going to.  I don’t hate him, not really.  It’s not his fault, but still, I can’t like him either.

Master Cheng has been forwarding letters from my family.  I haven’t been reading them.  They had their chance to talk to me while I was there.  I’ve been tossing them in the campfire as soon as they arrive.  I don’t care what you do with any other letters that arrive for me.  Send them back or burn them or whatever.  I’m sure no tears will be shed.

I don’t know where I’m going, or how I’ll get there, or what I’ll end up doing.  I don’t even know why I’m writing this to you.

Aranae crumpled the letter in disgust.  “Tsi Ku won’t want to hear about it either.  They probably won’t even notice I’m gone.” she muttered as she grabbed her bag.  She exited her tent, and dropped the letter in the slowly dying fire as she made her way out of the camp.

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Filed under Aranae, Letter, World of Warcraft