Category Archives: Sorrahn

Sorran’s Journal

I can’t wait to take the next set of trainee’s out of the city. Unfortunately, they’re still all working on hitting dummies correctly, so I’m stuck in the city until they master a few key skills. They’re not ready for practice in the field yet, so I can’t take them out. Of course, my superiors know I’m here, and keep calling me in for all sorts of trivial matters.

For instance, last night, I had to appear at a Tribunal concerning a wayward initiate and her chosen ‘mentor’. Of course, it came out there was a relationship involved. I don’t know why that surprises people so. It happens all the time. I was not as concerned about that, as I was over determining whether a dishonorably discharged Knight-Master is a suitable mentor at all for an initiate. It seems his discharge came easily from those who disliked him for other reasons, as if they had simply waited for the opportunity and sprung upon it when it arose. He had declined the initiate’s requests until after meeting her. He stated that the relationship started later, after he had accepted to mentor her. I did not ask how long, as I merely wanted to know that he changed his mind based on her skills as a blood knight initiate. We had to vote on a few points, none of which mattered as in the end, she resigned. Figures. I don’t know why they had to waste my time with that if she was just going to end up quitting. Shame really. I could have found a cheap whore, and made much better use of my time. Unfortunately, by the time it ended, I was expected to be home.

And that’s the other half of my hell. Family. The wife is a shrill nag. I pretend I can’t get it up at all. She wants me to see a priest now about it. Maybe if the priest can make her shut up for more than five minutes, I’d like her enough to consider it. I doubt it though. I honestly haven’t even tried since our wedding night, but now mother is asking when I’ll have a grandchild for her. I think she’s still hoping Raleth will bring his by, but he hasn’t even brought his wife to visit. The child is over two years old now. I don’t think we’ll ever see it, and I think that’s why she’s putting pressure on me again.

When this group of trainees is ready for some practice in the field, I think I’ll purposely fail them a few times just so we get to spend more time away from the city. They need to learn to deal with failure, and realize they don’t know everything anyway. That lesson for them might as well come with its benefits for me.

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Filed under Journal, Sorrahn, World of Warcraft

A Seventh

Because six wasn’t enough.  My paladin got his cloak on Tuesday.  Technically he got two, one for holy and one for ret, but I’m counting it as just my seventh cloak.

Sorrahn gets his cloak!

Sorrahn gets his cloak!

And of course I went to try it out.

And of course I went to try it out.

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Alt Appreciation – Paladin Week

A week almost as short as monk week, but not quite.

The first paladin.  I wasn't very interested in playing plate classes at first.  Asharen was created off-server and leveled to level 5 before being forgotten about.  During my last RaF, he gained another 8 levels, but time was almost up and I knew that team wasn't going to make it to 80.  So he sits, forgotten again, at level 13.  He does have BoA pants though, so maybe someday!

The first paladin. I wasn’t very interested in playing plate classes at first. Asharen was created off my main server, and leveled to level 5 before being forgotten about. During my last RaF, he gained another 8 levels, but time was almost up and I knew that team wasn’t going to make it to 80. So he sits, forgotten again, at level 13. He does have BoA pants though, so maybe someday!

The second paladin.  Janey was leveled to 75 at the end of wrath.  She has since made it to 80, thanks to tagging along with RaF teams.

The second paladin, and one of my few humans. Janey was leveled to 75 at the end of wrath. She has since made it to 80, thanks to tagging along with RaF teams.

Daanus is my first paladin to make it to max level during Cataclysm.  He is currently leveling in Pandaria and is level 86.  In stories he lives in Feralas.

Daanus is my first paladin to make it to max level during Cataclysm. He is currently leveling in Pandaria and is level 86. In stories he lives in Feralas.  He is one of two male draenei that I play, the other being Jamos.


The Dwarverlord, Olaffe.  I started him out as a way to learn how to play holy.  I still haven't figured it out, but he's level 62 and has healed some outland dungeons.  No one died, so I guess maybe it's okay if I don't figure it out.

The Dwarverlord, Olaffe. I started him out as a way to learn how to play holy. I still haven’t figured it out, but he’s level 62 and has healed some outland dungeons. No one died, so I guess maybe it’s okay if I don’t figure it out.

But then there's Sorrahn.  I leveled him as ret, also to learn how to play it.  Janey and Daanus are both prot pallies.  Sorrahn is level 90 now, and I've given him a second spec, Holy.  I still don't know it, but now people die.  I thought the Proving Grounds feature would be a great place to learn, but unfortunately it doesn't really do much other than show me how fast I can oom on him.  Maybe he's better off as ret.

But then there’s Sorrahn. I leveled him as ret, also to learn how to play it. Janey and Daanus are both prot pallies. Sorrahn is level 90 now, and I’ve given him a second spec, Holy. I still don’t know it, but now people die. I thought the Proving Grounds feature would be a great place to learn, but unfortunately it doesn’t really do much other than show me how fast I can oom on him. Maybe he’s better off as ret.  In stories, he’s Raleth’s jerk brother.  Raleth has him to thank for his invitation to Orgrimmar.



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Filed under Daanus, Olaffe, Screenshots, Sorrahn, World of Warcraft

The Draft

Sorrahn Dawnstrike frowned as he started reading the letter he had just received.  He had orders to return to Silvermoon with his aspirants, to report in as soon as possible with only a week deadline to do so.  The official looking part of the letter looked to be all in order, and didn’t give much information as to why.  A note attached explained a little more.  They were going to Orgrimmar.  Sorrahn cringed at the thought.  He had no love for orcs, but according to the letter they would be fighting them.  At least there was that.  He wouldn’t have to fight alongside them, except maybe a few rebels. Apparently, the orc warchief had done something or other to upset the other savages they had aligned themselves with, and that half-blind idiot of a ranger left in charge of the sin’dorei felt it was a good idea to go to help the others.  A common ranger should have never been left in charge.  Sorrahn’s ear twitched as he sat to write his reply.

Blood Knight Captain Delanel Morningray,

Thank you for your additional letter explaining the situation.  My aspirants are almost finished with training.  I was going to give them a couple of weeks before their final test, however, with your news, I will speed up the plan, and return with them to report for duty early next week.

Also, I was wondering if any battle mages will be needed?  I’m sending along the address of one whom I personally know here in Shattrath.  He has training and experience, but was presumed captured or dead in Dalaran until I found him here.

– Blood Knight Captain Sorrahn Dawnstrike


Vessen and Nessna Amberlight had heard the rumors, but it was still a shock when they both received the letters.  Nessna had hoped the orcs would have worked out their own problems by now, but it seemed that wasn’t going to happen.  They were both to report to Silvermoon and would be leaving in a few weeks time.

Nessna held their baby boy, Rylad.  She had just finished feeding him when Vessen brought the letters inside.  “What are we going to do?  We can’t leave him with Marsieth.  Not for that long.”

Marsieth would have been Nessna’s first choice, if she didn’t think the woman would already be overwhelmed with requests.  She watched many of the ranger’s children.  Nessna didn’t want Rylad to lack attention. Marsieth was good with children, but she couldn’t possibly take them all in full-time.

“My father works in his shop all day.  I don’t think he can watch a baby.  Yara has returned to the rangers in Silvermoon, and Xyliah…”  Vessen shrugged, “I think my father knows where she is, but I doubt leaving him with her would be a good idea.  What about your family?  Maybe your mother could take care of him.”

Nessna raised a brow.  “She would only be good for a short-term solution.  We’ll be gone more than a few days.  Besides, the last I heard from Lani, my mother and father are still arguing.  I don’t really want to expose him to that.”

“One of your sisters then?”

“Not Vallindra.  Lani and Esladra still live at home, so that would be no better than sending him to my mother.  Aranae isn’t answering letters again, so I can’t even ask her to.”

Vessen frowned in thought for a moment.  After a short pause he asked, “What about your brother?”

Nessna frowned as well.  “Well, if I had to choose between leaving him with my mother or him, I’d choose him.  He has apprentices, but has the advantage of teaching at home.  I don’t think he’s very familiar with how much work is involved with babies though.”

“I’d rather leave him with family than a stranger.  Why don’t you write a letter to him and ask to visit?  That way, we can ask him to watch him and show him how to take care of him.” Vessen smiled slightly, reassuring Nessna a little, “I’ll take Rylad to put him down for his nap.”


Isturon Lightmist had enjoyed his week-long visit with his son in the Ghostlands.  While he wasn’t really looking forward to returning to Silvermoon, he and his daughter both had patients scheduled for Monday morning.  It was one morning he hoped Verisna would stay out of the office.  It was tiring to constantly be on the lookout for her.  He took it as a good sign that she hadn’t returned from her trip yet when they arrived home.

He didn’t doubt that his wife would have had time, even while on vacation, to work on finding someone for Lani to marry.  He had been doing his best to protect her.  Most of the families that Verisna had mentioned were full of rich snobs.  After giving in last year to an arrangement that Verisna planned for their son, and watching it fail, he felt it may be better to let them choose their own.  Lani seemed to have other ideas, insisting that he choose someone for her, though Isturon was sure that she simply asked that because she felt pressured.

It was while in the Ghostlands visiting his son the past week that an alternative solution was brought up.  Lani could move.  Hethurin’s estate had more than one unused building on it.  True, most of them needed repairs badly, but it could be done.  She could open her own office, and live in her own home in the Ghostlands.  The town needed a healer, and it would get her away from her mother, as well as the pressure to marry.  She could focus on work, and take the time she needed for personal relationships.  She just needed to be convinced that it was a good thing.

After they ate a quick breakfast, he sent Lani to open the office in the front of the home as he went to pick up the mail.  It was rare that he was able to do so.  Verisna would normally get the mail before anyone else, but with no one being home the past week, it had piled up.  Isturon looked through the more personal-looking mail first.  Nothing had arrived from Aranae yet.  He wished he had been able to talk to her longer at Vallindra’s wedding, but he had been too busy trying to keep Verisna from making a scene.  He wondered if Aranae hadn’t been getting their letters.  Surely, she would have had time to write by now.  Perhaps it was time to try writing to the pandaren teaching her, and see if they were able to reply.

He went through the rest of the mail.  Most of it was business related, and would need to be taken to the office.  One of the more official-looking letters caught his eye.  He took it out of the pile and opened it.  He frowned as he read it.  Healers were needed.  The letter didn’t say much about when and where, but he had heard rumors about the orcs.  He twitched an ear and re-read the letter.  Two healers were known to work at the address.  One was required to go.

He picked up the other letters and headed towards the office.  Lani would need to take his patients.  Convincing her to move would have to wait until he got back.  Hopefully, he wouldn’t be gone too long.

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Filed under Isturon, Lanthiriel, Sorrahn, Story, World of Warcraft

OOC: Legs

My paladin, Sorrahn, has an almost complete (minus the helm) set of Judgement now.  Ragnaros decided to be nice this week and dropped the legs!  He also hit revered with the MC rep this week.


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Sorrahn’s Letter Home

Dear Mother,

Forgive my tardiness in replying to your letters.  I’ve been kept quite busy in Outland, as you may have assumed.  The aspirants training under me are a bit slow.  I’d have sent them home if it was just one or two of them.  However, since it’s the entire group, I’ve had to take care, and practically hold their hand in everything they do.  I feel they are finally beginning to grasp the basics of their training here.

We have one more area to visit before I consider their training here complete.  It is the most dangerous area, and I will have to watch that none of them go to any places that would be even too dangerous for me.  I hope they were all awake for the lecture I gave them on the geography of the area, and where they’re not allowed to go!

We are currently in Shattrath.  I’ve been leading them in their training exercises, as well as teaching them about the next area we’ll be going to, but most of our days are rest time.  They’ll be working hard again soon enough.

One evening, I was walking around some of the stalls in the market in the lower city.  You’ll never guess who I found there!  Raleth is alive.  He has been living here, not Dalaran, all this time, and hasn’t even bothered to write!  I was unable to meet with his wife, and probably will not be able to.  You know how he can get sometimes!

He must have a pretty bad rash.  He had some talcum powder in his bags.  He looked fine, and was the same as he’s always been.

I paid some beggar to follow him and tell me where he lives.  I’m including the address with this letter in case you want to write to him.  If the address isn’t right, I do know he at least lives in the general area.  Maybe the mail delivery can figure it out.  I watched for a short time, but saw no one leave or enter the building at this address.  However, I was not there long, as I am quite busy.

Your Loyal Son,

Sorrahn Dawnstrike

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Filed under Letter, Sorrahn, World of Warcraft