Category Archives: Hernester

The Imps

Hernester looked up.  The chanting had started again, or had it always been there.  Maybe it wasn’t there at all and he was just imagining it.  It sounded like another one of Master Bartlan’s spell chants.  Hernester didn’t remember asking him once why he chanted, but he did remember being told that Master Bartlan just preferred it that way.

“He likes it.”  Hernester whispered to himself.

There was a noise coming from the other room, the room Master Bartlan was chanting in.  It was like a hissing hum.  Hernester had heard that before, and remembered enough to recall a portal of sorts.  He didn’t remember what it was for.  The Master had told him not to touch.

“Don’t touch the portal.” Hernester whispered as he stared at the door.  He had been asked to guard while the Master worked today.  Or was it yesterday?  He couldn’t recall how long he had been sitting, and watching the door.  It was sure the Master was still at work though, so he would continue to guard.

He heard a pop, then a cackling laugh.  Then another, and then yet another.  He kept his watch on the front door.  Finally, there was one last pop.  The chanting stopped.  He could hear Master Bartlan giving instructions to someone in the other room.  He didn’t remember anyone visiting, but the Master often had visitors appear from nowhere.

“I need you to watch the school by the sea.  Someone there banished the last imp.  Make sure you aren’t seen.  And you, I need you to watch the rangers.  I’ve heard they have a new building.  Keep an eye on them there.  You!  You watch the house where they were staying before.  And last, you.  You are going to the ziggurat for me.  Don’t let anyone see you go in.  Wait in the middle, and if someone comes for you, go with them.”

Hernester heard the window open in the other room, and the sound of many small feet scurrying about.  He kept watching the door.

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Filed under Hernester, Story, World of Warcraft

The Stake

Hernester ducked as another book flew towards his head.

“Those elves!  Those loathsome, meddling elves!”

Hernester honestly couldn’t remember what they had done this time, but Master Bartlan was certainly upset about whatever it was.  He ducked again as another book flew his direction.

“Can’t they keep to themselves?  Why do they have to interrupt my research now?”  Bartlan picked up one of the stakes on the table.  It looked like one end had been shoved in the ground.

Hernester paused as he thought about the stake.  They looked familiar.  Oh yes, he had brought some just like those to Master Bartlan earlier.  No, that wasn’t right.  Master Bartlan was with him.  He had carried them.

“Do you know what this is, Hernester?  Do you?”  Master Bartlan held the stake up, shaking it in the air.

“A stake, sir.”

“It’s an invitation to war, Hernester.  That’s what it is.”

Hernester paused.  That’s not the way it was, was it?  “Aren’t they allies, sir?”

Bartlan continued as if Hernester hadn’t spoke, “How dare they mark my ley-line?  They’ve been in the ziggurat as well.  They will pay!”

Hernester ducked as the stake flew his direction.

“Don’t just stand there, you mindless sack of bones.  Get out there and watch the ziggurat.  I need to know who’s poking around my business.”

Hernester scurried out of the house.  Watch the ziggurat.  He could do that.  He started down the path away from the house.

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Filed under Hernester, Story, World of Warcraft

Stay on the Path

Herman Lester grunted as the door opened for no reason other than he hadn’t been expecting the door to open.  Of course, Master Lancaster had gone into the room.  It only made sense that he would also come back out.  He briefly considered why he had forgotten to consider this until he suddenly forgot about considering it when Master Lancaster spoke.

“Hernester,” that was his name now, garbled over the years into something that it wasn’t, “I need you to go into town and get some supplies.”  Master Lancaster, also known as Bartlan, which was easier to remember than the Master’s full name, Bartholomew Lancaster, stood over Hernester as he held out a list to him.

Bartlan was taller than Hernester, but that didn’t seem right.  Hernester considered this as he recalled he was considering something earlier as well.  Perhaps it was the same thing.  He stopped as he looked down and realized he was sitting.  Hernester stood, and as he did, he realized he was now the same height as Bartlan.  He took the list.  He wondered why he ever thought he was shorter as he looked at the paper in his hand.  “What is this?”

“The list of supplies I need from town.”

Hernester was going to ask about the items on the list.  Some of them seemed odd, but Bartlan’s words interrupted his thoughts and brought forth a different question, “The town?”

“Yes, remember? The one with the elves.”

Hernester had a hard time remembering it.  When was the last time he had been there?  Which direction was it?  No, he didn’t remember it at all.

“I’ll set you on the path as usual.  If you remember anything at all, remember to stay on the path.”

“Stay on the path.”

“Yes.”  Bartlan nodded with a wide grin.  Of course it was wide.  It always was.  Part of his lips had rotted away, exposing the Master’s teeth permanently.  “My supplier will recognize you, and fill my order as usual.  He’ll then send you back with the packages.  Try not to lose any this time.”

Bartlan escorted Hernester to the door and opened it.  “Stay on the path.” he repeated, and pointed to the path leading away from the home.

“Stay on the path.”  Hernester started walking.

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Filed under Hernester, Story, World of Warcraft

Alt Appreciation: Warrior Week

It is the last week of Alt Appreciation weeks at World of Lae.  Thanks for the great idea!  I have a decent amount of warriors because, like a friend, I find they’re versatile for RP.  They make great belligerent drunks, or can easily be just some guy who has to pick up a sword to fight one day, or can be highly trained over thousands of years!  Warrior as a class is something I’m still working on getting a grasp on.  I seem to do great at tanking until level 60 or so.  I’ve played dps on one of my warriors and thanks to an addon telling me what to hit, I do okay, but I really have no idea what I’m doing with that.  Anyway, here are my warriors!

Teniron Whitemorn is currently my only level 90 warrior.  He is a jeweler, turned drunk, turned jeweler again.  He lives in Pandaria with Kit.  I'd love to roleplay with him more, but there's not much opportunity with him staying in Pandaria, so the best he gets is writing unwanted letters to his brother.  He does have max jewelcrafting to match his story.  He tends to wear his armor IC as well.

Teniron Whitemorn is currently my only level 90 warrior. He is a jeweler, turned drunk, turned jeweler again. He lives in Pandaria with Kit. I’d love to roleplay with him more, but there’s not much opportunity with him staying in Pandaria, so the best he gets is writing unwanted letters to his brother. He does have max jewelcrafting to match his story. He tends to wear his armor IC as well.

Jaene is a copy of Jaeyn/Jaen.  He had to have a warrior version after Vassanta taught him to use his sword.  (giggles)

Jaene is a copy of Jaeyn/Jaen.  He is level 85. He had to have a warrior version after Vassanta taught him to use his sword. (giggles)

Aerrissa Summerleaf is Jaeyn's mother.  She's a sentinel, and is currently in Ashenvale.  She's another one of those characters who is 85 and needs to level yet, but I hate Pandaria, so I don't know how she's going to.

Aerrissa Summerleaf is Jaeyn’s mother. She’s a sentinel, and is currently in Ashenvale. She’s another one of those characters who is 85 and needs to level yet, but I hate Pandaria, so I don’t know how she’s going to.


Jaenella is level 82.  She was my first warrior to max level, during Wrath of the Lich King.  She hasn't moved far since then, and sits, mostly forgotten, on my old realm.

Jaenella is level 82. She was my first warrior to max level, during Wrath of the Lich King. She hasn’t moved far since then, and sits, mostly forgotten, on my old realm.

Hernester has a basic backstory.  He might, some time, make an appearance in the Ghostlands.  Who knows?  He's level 80.

Hernester has a basic back story. He might, some time, make an appearance in the Ghostlands. Who knows? He’s level 80.

Ethirdir Redfeather is the oldest son of a hawkstrider farmer who lives along the southern border of Eversong.  He was one of the men in Theronil's unit for the siege storyline, and is Sanimir's cousin.  OOC, he's level 80 and has no matching gear.  Poor guy!

Ethirdir Redfeather is the oldest son of a hawkstrider farmer who lives along the southern border of Eversong. He was one of the men in Theronil’s unit for the siege storyline, and is Sanimir’s cousin. OOC, he’s level 80 and has no matching gear. Poor guy!


Gaelardrim is a builder on the island of Quel'Danas.  He was my first blood elf warrior, created just after the pre-Cata patch.  When Cata dropped and I changed servers, he stayed behind.  I forgot about him for a year or so, then went back to level him a bit.  That's when I noticed he looks an awful lot like one of my mages!  I swear I didn't plan that.  He's level 66.

Gaelardrim is a builder on the island of Quel’Danas.  OOC – He was my first blood elf warrior, created just after the pre-Cata patch. When Cata dropped and I changed servers, he stayed behind. I forgot about him for a year or so, then went back to level him a bit. That’s when I noticed he looks an awful lot like one of my mages! I swear I didn’t plan that. He’s level 66.


Another blood elf warrior!  Arancon Firewind is Aeramin's father, who is supposed to be dead, but time travel happened and a mage goofed up big time.  Now Arancon lives in a house in the Ghostlands, after spending years in Murder Row.  OOC - He needs to get to 60.  I'm working on it.  He's currently in the mid-50's and decked out in BoA's.

Another blood elf warrior! Arancon Firewind is Aeramin’s father, who is supposed to be dead, but time travel happened and a mage goofed up big time. Now Arancon lives in a house in the Ghostlands, after spending years in Murder Row. OOC – He needs to get to 60. I’m working on it. He’s currently in the mid-50’s and decked out in BoA’s.

Stunted, a random level 29 gnome warrior who wears a dress on a realm I don't even pretend to play on.  Poor girl.

Stunted, a random level 29 gnome warrior who wears a dress on a realm I don’t even pretend to play on. Poor girl.



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Filed under Aerrissa, Gaelardrim, Hernester, Jaeyn, Screenshots, Teniron, World of Warcraft

RaF Round Up

Instead of a random screenshot of the day, I’m summarizing my RaF experience over the past three months.  There are two days left, but that won’t be enough time to hit 80 on anyone else.  As you can see, I have been busy, and have used the bonus experience and granted levels to get as many new level 80’s as possible.  (Totally explains why I’ve been slacking on writing!)

The Teams:

Bartlan and Mondevonse, my evil dead guys.  Warlock and rogue.

Bartlan and Mondevonse, my evil dead guys. Warlock and rogue.

Cadellus and Tik.  I love Tik's name.  Low pop servers ftw!

Cadellus and Tik, monk and rogue. I love Tik’s name. Low pop servers ftw!

Cyannah and mage Aeramin.  More mages!  Cyannah was the first mage I made, ever.  Then she was level 2 for like, 6 years.  She's finally 80 now.

Cyannah and mage Aeramin. More mages! Cyannah was the first mage I made, ever. Then she was level 2 for like, 6 years. She’s finally 80 now.

Estare and Gwilendil.  Two non-traditional nelf ladies. Mage and monk.

Estare and Gwilendil. Two non-traditional nelf ladies. Mage and monk.

Haani and Jamos.  I need more draenei.

Haani and Jamos, priest and hunter. I need more draenei.

Ithorel, another hunter, and Pimzoz, the troll druid.

Ithorel, another hunter, and Pimzoz, the troll druid.

Lanthiriel and Ethirdir.  Ethirdir is the first warrior I've managed to keep from equipping a shield.  We'll see how long that lasts when I start leveling him without bonuses!

Lanthiriel and Ethirdir. Ethirdir is the first warrior I’ve managed to keep from equipping a shield. We’ll see how long that lasts when I start leveling him without bonuses!

Noradra and Jaedra.  I leveled a lot of belfs this time which is fine.  I have a disproportionate number of nelfs to even it out!

Noradra and Jaedra, hunter and rogue. I leveled a lot of belfs this time which is fine. I have a disproportionate number of nelfs to even it out!

Orledin and Mokthaki.  Even more death knights.  I don't have many orcs.

Orledin and Mokthaki. Death knights. I don’t have many orcs.

Saethala and Rinztok.  More death knights, for the hell of it.

Saethala and Rinztok. More death knights, for the hell of it.

Sunashe, one of my oldest hunters finally leveled.  I teamed him up with Hethurin, Sanimir's double.

Sunashe, one of my oldest hunters finally leveled. I teamed him up with Hethurin, Sanimir’s double.

Vinhesla and Widge, aka Shrimps with Imps.

Vinhesla and Widge, aka Shrimps with Imps.

The granted levels:

For every two levels you get, you can grant one level to the referring account.  There are more than the ones below, but these are the ones who hit 80 from it.


Cybill, my first attempt at leveling a mage, was stuck at 48 for the past 3 years or so.

Cybill, my first attempt at leveling a mage, was stuck at 48 for the past 3 years or so.  Now 80 thanks to granted levels.

Faestirah, another one of my oldest hunters, and one of my first attempts at a horde character, has been level 25 for a good 5 years.  She is my only horde character to have the olympics tabard.  *grumbles quietly about not getting the pet.

Faestirah, another one of my oldest hunters, and one of my first attempts at a horde character, has been level 25 for a good 5 years. She is my only horde character to have the olympics tabard. *grumbles quietly about not getting the pet.

Kanedama, my only goblin, and guild master of

Kanedama, my only goblin, and guild master of My Banker

Sorrahn was the only one able to receive levels on my main realm.

Sorrahn was the only one able to receive levels on my Wyrmrest Accord.  My character select screen is full there!

Then, if that wasn’t enough…

The tag-alongs:

These characters were not on the linked accounts, but, through the wonders of multi-boxing, followed along on the dungeon runs with some of the teams.  Again, there are more who didn’t hit 80 (mostly my lowbie off-server Alliance characters!)  Here are the ones who did.

Aranae used her monk powers and BoA's to go from level 30-80, just tagging along with the linked accounts.

Aranae used her monk powers and BoA’s to go from level 30-80, just tagging along with the linked accounts.  With the monk quests, she gained more levels than any other tag along.

Hernester went from 63 to 80 fairly quickly.  He was one of the first to tag along!

Hernester went from 63 to 80 fairly quickly. He was one of the first to tag along!

Janey, the only off-server tag along went from 75 to 80.

Janey, the only off-server tag along went from 75 to 80 with 0 bonuses, not even the guild experience bonus.

Rohau was already 76 when he started tagging along.  He kept following until he hit 82.

Rohau was already 76 when he started tagging along. He kept following until he hit 82.

Vallindra's warlock double went from about 70 (I forgot!) to 80.

Vallindra’s warlock double went from about 70 (I forgot!) to 80.

And that’s all. Now to get them all to 90…



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Filed under Aeramin, Aranae, Hernester, Jamos, Lanthiriel, Screenshots, Tik, Vallindra, World of Warcraft

OOC – Commissioned Art

I’ve had a few things commissioned in the past few months that I haven’t posted on the front page.  Some of them have made it to the character pages, and some have not (usually due to my laziness).  Anyway, since I slept all day and haven’t written anything yet, here’s the art!

Aeramin and Sanimir series by different artists

I had planned a series of stories for Aeramin and Sanimir in Pandaria, which I decided to scrap.  I had commissioned different people to draw them in different zones to sort of illustrate each story.  The stories aren’t happening, but here is the art!

Sanimir and Aeramin in the Vale.  Art by Renny08

Sanimir and Aeramin in the Vale. Art by Renny08

Sanimir and Aeramin in an inn.  It's supposed to be Jade Forest but... I like it anyway!  Art by Mylla-Peppers23

Sanimir and Aeramin in an inn. It’s supposed to be Jade Forest but… I like it anyway! Art by Mylla-Peppers23

I just got this one today!  Aeramin and Sanimir in Krasarang Wilds.  Art by Jinxii

I just got this one today! Aeramin and Sanimir in Krasarang Wilds. Art by Jinxii

And last, Aeramin and Sanimir in Kunlai Summit.  This artist actually managed to get his hair color right.  I absolutely adore this one :)  Art by Hedoy

And last, Aeramin and Sanimir in Kunlai Summit. This artist actually managed to get Aeramin’s hair color right. I absolutely adore this one 🙂 Art by Hedoy


Headshots by AvannTeth











And one more…

Aranae Lightmist, done on request by Aendrl

Aranae Lightmist, done on request by Aendrl

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Filed under Aeramin, Aranae, Art, Hernester, Isturon, Sanimir, World of Warcraft, Xyliah