Tag Archives: screenshot

Another Cloak

I took a break from RaF today to finish up my 8th or 9th cloak.  I’ve lost count.  I think it’s the 9th.

Theronil is my second hunter to earn the cloak.

Theronil is my second hunter to earn the cloak.

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Filed under Screenshots, Theronil, World of Warcraft

The Manipulator

I can't say it's far off from the truth.

I can’t say it’s far off from the truth.

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Filed under Screenshots, Vallindra, World of Warcraft

A Seventh

Because six wasn’t enough.  My paladin got his cloak on Tuesday.  Technically he got two, one for holy and one for ret, but I’m counting it as just my seventh cloak.

Sorrahn gets his cloak!

Sorrahn gets his cloak!

And of course I went to try it out.

And of course I went to try it out.

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Filed under Screenshots, Sorrahn, World of Warcraft

Sim’dorei Screenshots – Life at Fairsong Academy!

I’ve been playing the Sims 3 again.  I finally managed to find a cheat that worked to increase the maximum household size to be more than 8, which is what I needed to put the students and staff into the Academy.  Finally, the house gets to be used!

Terellion makes a face, in his underwear, and bunny slippers.  But in all seriousness, I do wish they would get dressed before coming down to eat in the morning.  Why isn't there a setting or something for that?

Terellion makes a face, in his underwear, and bunny slippers. But in all seriousness, I do wish they would get dressed before coming down to eat in the morning. Why isn’t there a setting or something for that?  Also, this is Terellion v.1  He’s been changed a bit since.  His hair changes a lot because nothing matches his style in WoW.

Maerista reads in the library.

Maerista reads in the library.

Renner dreams about not liking dirty dishes.  Crazy dragon.

Renner dreams about not liking dirty dishes. Crazy dragon.

Desdeyliri dreams about writing.

Desdeyliri dreams about writing.

Hethurin and Terellion v.2 walk together, in their underwear.

Hethurin and Terellion v.2 walk together, in their underwear.

It's tough being a dragon and waking up in the morning and reading a book first thing.

It’s tough being a dragon and waking up in the morning and reading a book first thing.

Aeramin and Imralion play pool.  Terellion and Keyalenn walk by in the background.

Aeramin and Imralion play pool. Terellion and Keyalenn walk by in the background.

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Filed under Aeramin, Sanimir, Screenshots, The Sims

A Sixth

I forgot to post this yesterday.  My rogue, my first character on a pvp realm to max level has obtained the legendary cloak!  This makes six for me, and the first time I’ve done the melee dps challenge, though I found it to be fairly easy, and very similar to the ranged challenge.  He also got the achievement for my little level 1 vanity guild that I made for him.  Go Tik!

Tik gets his cloak!

Tik gets his cloak!

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Filed under Screenshots, Tik, World of Warcraft

Character Model Updates

We all know by now that Warlords of Draenor is bringing updated character models with it.  I found a tool on wod.wowhead.com that lets you view your own character with the updated models, as long as your character is a dwarf, gnome, orc or male tauren.  Thankfully, I don’t have too many of those so I can put them all in one post.


I have far more dwarves than you’d think.  Here are some screenshots of them before and with new models.  I’m not sure I’m happy with the female dwarves.  They all look like they just woke up!  Also the death knight skin colors aren’t done for the faces yet, as you’ll see when you get to Seigne.


My gnomes over level 10 that I could view with the new model are all female.  I love how crazy the little rogue looks.


Yes, I have a couple.  Again, I think the death knight skins need updating yet.

And last, male tauren:

I think they look a little bit better than they did on the preview images that were released, but their nostrils quadrupled in size which seems a bit weird.

I’m still waiting for the elf models!

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Filed under Screenshots

OOC – 50 Characters to 90

I posted on Tumblr last night about getting 50 characters to 90, and thought I’d do a little breakdown of the classes here now that I’ve had time to get the screenshots sorted and pasted together.  Predictably, I have many hunters, mages and death knights.  I wanted to name this post “Many Elves, Handle It!”.  Anyway, here’s the visual list!

Seven death knights!  Rinztok was my 50th character, so it was just six until yesterday.

Seven death knights at level 90! Rinztok was my 50th character, so it was just six until yesterday.

Only four druids at 90.  I have another alliance druid in my Stormstout groups so there will be a 5th soon.

Only four druids at 90. I have another alliance druid in my Stormstout groups so there will be a 5th soon.

Seven hunters, there will be a few more of those to 90 soon enough too.

Seven hunters, there will be a few more of those to 90 soon enough too.

I was actually surprised that I have seven mages to 90.  Maybe because two of them are the same person IC (Sanimir and Hethurin) and two others are summoners, aka warlocks, IC.  (Aeramin and Vallindra)

I was actually surprised that I have seven mages to 90. Maybe because two of them are the same person IC (Sanimir and Hethurin) and two others are summoners, aka warlocks, IC. (Aeramin and Vallindra)

Only three monks to 90.  I have a few others who are starting to get close, but none in Stormstout groups yet.

Only three monks to 90. I have a few others who are starting to get close, but none in Stormstout groups yet.

Only two paladins.  I realized after I put this together that if you say their names in this order, you get how I feel about pvp.

Only two paladins at 90. I realized after I put this together that if you say their names in this order, you get how I feel about pvp.

I thought I had more priests, but there are only three at 90.  I have many more under 90 though.

I thought I had more priests, but there are only three at 90. I have many more under 90 though.

Rogues are catching up to the death knights, mages and hunters.

Rogues are catching up to the death knights, mages and hunters.

I have a shaman.

I have a shaman.  I have a few others as well, but this is the only one at 90.

Five warlocks to 90, though they're my favorite class now.  There are a couple between 80-89 who will be joining the other 90's soon!

Five warlocks to 90, though they’re my favorite class now. There are a couple between 80-89 who will be joining the other 90’s soon!

And last is five warriors.  I have a couple of these in my Stormstout groups too!

And last is five warriors. I have a couple of these in my Stormstout groups too!

Currently, there are slightly more horde than alliance, though most of my current 85-89’s are alliance, so it’ll even up again!

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Filed under Screenshots, World of Warcraft

Mount Parade – 200 mounts!

I've been working on this one for a while (obviously), and have been even more actively pushing for it over the past month or so when I discovered I only had 5 more to get!  I got my last one at the Argent Tournament.  There is one more alliance mount I could get there, so I'll probably keep going for that.  I also have a few more on horde-side to collect.

I’ve been working on this one for a while (obviously), and have been even more actively pushing for it over the past month or so when I discovered I only had 5 more to get! I got my last one at the Argent Tournament. There is one more alliance mount I could get there, so I’ll probably keep going for that. I also have a few more on horde-side to collect.

Alliance and Horde versions of the mount.  Once you get it on one faction, you get it on both.

Alliance and Horde versions of the mount. Once you get it on one faction, you get it on both.

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Filed under Jaeyn, Screenshots, Uncategorized, Vallindra, WoW

Blood Elf Hunter Transmog Complete!

I’ve been working for a while getting all the pieces together that I wanted for Xyliah’s transmog.  Finally, it’s complete! 

Xy models her new outfit!

Xy models her new outfit!


Filed under Screenshots, WoW, Xyliah

OOC – Screenshot

Isturon got his cloak before the year was done!

Isturon got his cloak before the year was done!  BTW, I hate Chi-ji as much as I hate Yulon.

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Filed under Isturon, Screenshots, World of Warcraft