Category Archives: Sakia

Beta Screenshots

I’ve been in beta the past few weeks and have gotten some screenshots.  I’m not able to play a lot as I have RaF going on right now, but I have had time to find some bugs, and mess around a bit with questing and such.  Some of these are from before the character wipe, and some are after.

Nothing like an archmage to make your mage feel completely inept.

Nothing like an archmage to make your mage feel completely inept.

Sanimir climbs a chain.

Sanimir climbs a chain.

Sakia makes faces.  They've since fixed the female human death knight eyes.  They glow again.

Sakia makes faces. They’ve since fixed the female human death knight eyes. They glow again.

I broke the Ghostlands.

I broke the Ghostlands.

Underwater mushrooms.

Underwater mushrooms.

My favorite follower, Magister Krelas.  He's a mage, with a shield.

My favorite follower, Magister Krelas. He’s a mage, with a shield.

I'd like to point out that this is Jaeyn.  The Orb of Sin'dorei has been fixed?  Maybe? Hopefully?  It hasn't worked right since WotLK.

I’d like to point out that this is Jaeyn. The Orb of Sin’dorei has been fixed? Maybe? Hopefully? It hasn’t worked right since WotLK.

I killed a thing and got a pearl.

I killed a thing and got a pearl.

I used the pearl.

I used the pearl.

Wow, Fiona.  Just... wow.

Wow, Fiona. Just… wow.

So yeah, I can have a goblin building, but no freaking sin'dorei mage tower?  "But it's orc themed so you get a 'spirit lodge'."  Guess I won't be using my garrison for RP.

So yeah, I can have a goblin building, but no freaking sin’dorei mage tower? “But it’s orc themed so you get a ‘spirit lodge’.” Guess I won’t be using my garrison for RP.  Yeah, I am mad.

But look at the nice alliance mage tower.

But look at the nice alliance mage tower.

They even have a fireplace!

Alliance mage tower even has a fireplace!  I removed the ‘spirit lodge’ from my horde garrison just because it was so awful.  I feel like they’re purposely trying to make horrible horde garrisons just to prove they don’t favor the horde, which we all know they do.


I want those glasses for some of my characters. Really.

Sanimir standing in fire in his inn.  Worst inn ever btw, not even my followers will visit.

Sanimir standing in fire in his inn or something. Worst inn ever btw, not even my followers will visit.  Pretty sure there’s supposed to be a basement but it just leads to snow.  I’d guess they haven’t finished with some of the buildings.

Feeling pretty in the goblin workshop building.  Still mad about the 'spirit lodge'.

Feeling pretty in the goblin workshop building. Still mad about the ‘spirit lodge’.

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Filed under Jaeyn, Sakia, Sanimir, Screenshots, World of Warcraft

Death Knight Week

Some of the other blogs I follow have mentioned the alt appreciation post on World of Lae at blogspot.  I thought it sounded like a neat idea.  The first week is dedicated to the death knight class, and oh boy, do I have death knights!  I have 6 on my main server, but the gnome is not pictured due to being on the same account as one of the others.  I won’t mention the off-server ones since I play them once in a blue moon (though, technically, we do have a blue moon this month!)  Anyway, here are the main five:

From left to right: Dinadrian, level 85 night elf death knight Orledin, level 86 blood elf death knight Jaellynn, level 90 blood elf death knight Chlorence, level 85 dwarf death knight Sakia, level 86 human death knight

From left to right:
Dinadrian, level 85 night elf death knight
Orledin, level 86 blood elf death knight
Jaellynn, level 90 night elf death knight
Chlorence, level 85 dwarf death knight
Sakia, level 86 human death knight

I should mention that Sakia is one of like two humans I have leveled to higher levels.  I really hate their animations.  Three if you count the one that isn’t human anymore.  Jaellynn just got the item level needed for Throne of Thunder lfr.  Chlorence and Dinadrian are patiently waiting while other characters level.  Orledin is being actively leveled, and in fact, just hit 86 today while tanking Stormstout Brewery.  He feels horribly out of place in the above screenshot.

Leaving Jade Forest!

Leaving Jade Forest!  Come to think of it, he’d feel really out of place in Pandaria too!

In addition to this post, I’ll be writing stories for Orledin and Jaellynn before the week is up!

Orledin’s Job

On Watch


Filed under Dinadrian, Jaellynn, Orledin, Sakia, Screenshots, World of Warcraft

Screenshot of the Day

Sha, what r u doing?  Sha?  Stahp!

Sha, what r u doing? Sha? Stahp!

Ah, Pandaria leveling.  I’ll be so glad when this expansion is over.  The bad part is, every time I level an alt, I’ll still have to go through it.

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Filed under Sakia, Screenshots, World of Warcraft

Screenshot of the Day

This is what leveling a death knight looks like.  Pull everything!

This is what leveling a death knight looks like. Pull everything!

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Filed under Sakia, Screenshots, World of Warcraft

OOC – 4.3 and Transmogrification

I went through and took screenshots of all my new looks.  The human was shorter than the others so she got stuck in along the side.  Enjoy!

Four druids, three death knights, two hunters, two mages, one shaman and one priest, all dressed successfully!

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Filed under Dinadrian, Ellorian, Jaellynn, Jaeyn, Kelanori, Neeah, Relanos, Sakia, Screenshots, Sourabhi, Terivanis, World of Warcraft

OOC – And In Today’s News

Sakia and Neeah both finished the brewfest meta for the title.  Druid Jaellynn finished his Winterspring Frostsaber dailies and Kelanori looted my first brewfest ram of the year.

Still the wrong character...

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Filed under Jaellynn, Kelanori, Neeah, Sakia, Screenshots, World of Warcraft

OOC – Screenshot

Another kodo.  Another wrong character to get it.

Some poor healer cried when the fail-tank opened her bag today.

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Filed under Sakia, Screenshots, World of Warcraft

OOC – Screenshots: 3 dings

Ding, ding… oh and ding!  I hit 85 on three different characters in the same evening.

Ellorian was first.  He was leveling on his own without help from any of my other characters.

Underwater ding.

Followed by Sakia.

The portal is open! And you're level 85!

Sakia broke group with Dinadrian whom topped off the rest of his xp bar by himself.

Dead guys finish last.

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Filed under Dinadrian, Ellorian, Sakia, Screenshots, World of Warcraft

OOC – Grumpus Tanks Sapphiron

Some friends and I went to Naxx yesterday.  I was tanking it on Sakia since I had been triple boxing some of the bosses earlier in the day and Jaellynn was already saved.  Sakia and Doogan were the first two to be ice blocked.  Even though everyone else was behind the blocks, her frost breath killed them.  Sakia went down shortly after without any heals.  It was then that Grumpus took over.  It was so funny watching this big icy bone dragon attack this little turtle.  The extreme soloing capabilities of hunters is why I like them so much.  Doogan and Grumpus won the fight, taking her down without any tanks or heals.

Doogan and Grumpus punching dragons in the face.


Filed under Sakia, Screenshots, World of Warcraft

Sakia – Note to Tathariel

(( Left with the innkeeper at the Shrine of Aviana ))

Dear Tathariel and Relanos.


I forgot.  Let me ask Phaa the draenei.  She’s not a demon.

How is Moonglade?  I hope you’re having a lot of fun there. 

I hope your trip to Moonglade goes really good!  Tell me about it!  I heard there’s a lot of druids there.

– Sakia Stoneway


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Filed under Letter, Sakia, World of Warcraft