Category Archives: Guide

Kanrethad Made Cheesy

Earlier this week, I incinerated my way to green fire on a third level 90 warlock.  I decided it was time to put together a little guide for those who might be looking for some tips on the fight.

1. Talents and Glyphs

Honestly, you can do it without glyphs at all.  I did on the third without any of the recommended glyphs, but if you want to make things a little easier, you can take the glyph of enslave demon.  It’ll make the pitlord less likely to eat you.  Also, you shouldn’t use glyph of healthstone because if you need to use your healthstone during this fight, you’ll likely want all the healing you can get from it immediately.  Glyph of Siphon Life is nice to have.

Talents are more important.  You will want a dispel, or two.  For this reason I take unbound will, and because you can’t have a regular demon out anyway after enslaving the pitlord, take grimoire of sacrifice.  Shadowfury is needed to stun the pitlord while you enslave it.  As of patch 5.4, Kil’jaeden’s Cunning is probably the most useful as you will spend a lot of time running around.  Sacrificial pact coupled with unending resolve can sometimes save you from a chaos bolt if you get caught by one.  The two together can also save you from cataclysm if you somehow miss the interrupt.

Talents and glyphs

WoWScrnShot_120813_152701 Talents and glyphs

2. Set up the Macros

These are the macros I used.  They include the pitlord’s abilities so that you can get away with a lot less micro-managing his abilities.

Enslave Demon – Keep this one in a handy spot!  It will cast enslave on the pitlord and switch your target back to Kanrethad for maximum pew pew.

/target Pit Lord
/cast Enslave Demon
/target Kanrethad

Incinerate – Place this on your bar where you normally put incinerate.  This macro casts incinerate on your target, uses the pitlord’s demonic siphon (which heals you!), and makes sure your pitlord is attacking Kanrethad.  This can be used the whole fight.

/cast Incinerate
/cast Demonic Siphon
/petattack [target=Kanrethad]

Immolate – Place this one where you normally put immolate.  This one will cast immolate on your target, uses fel flame breath on you, and makes sure your pitlord is attacking Kanrethad.  Fel flame breath does cause a little damage.  It can also be used to damage the imps, but as it also cleanses, it helps a lot with all the nasty dots Kanrethad likes throwing out.  Just don’t hit your immolate button if you’re low on health!

/cast Immolate
/cast [@player] Fel Flame Breath
/petattack [target=Kanrethad]

Pitlord’s Charge – You will need the charge to interrupt Kanrethad’s Cataclysm spell.  Keep this macro ready for when he starts casting it!

/target Kanrethad
/cast Charge

Dismiss Pet – Enslave demon only lasts 5 minutes.  If you cannot kill Kanrethad in that time, use this macro after killing the first set of felhunters.  Then use the enslave demon macro again.  It will give you the extra time you need.

/script PetDismiss()

3. Recommended Add-ons

Having an addon to help with decursing is useful.  I used decursive which puts a little square that I click every ten seconds, but there are others to choose from.

Bigwigs with the Littlewigs module is highly recommended for the timers and warnings.

Anything else is fluff.  I use weakauras and tidyplates which also helped.

4. Buffs and Stuff

I needed a checklist to remember everything.  Pre-fight, you want to get a food buff, flask, dark intent and sac your imp.  Also make sure you have three charges of healthstone.

275 food is good, 300 food is better.  I wasn't too worried about it on Aeramin when I went back to get the screenshots.

275 food is good, 300 food is better. I wasn’t too worried about it on Aeramin when I went back to get the screenshots.  When he was doing it the first time, I was using Mogu Fish Stew for the 300 int buff.

Saccing the imp will give you a dispel that you can use every ten seconds, and you will want to use it about that much!

Saccing the imp will give you a dispel that you can use every ten seconds, and you will want to use it about that much.  Sorry Yappy!

Don't forget Dark Intent!

Don’t forget Dark Intent!  It will make your spells hit harder and give you more health.

Don't forget to flask too.  Flask of Warm Sun is best, though the Crystal of Insanity from the Timeless Isle works as well.

Don’t forget to flask too. Flask of Warm Sun is best, though the Crystal of Insanity from the Timeless Isle works as well.

If your gear is extremely poor, you may need purification potions to reset the Curse of Doom.

EDIT:  Also remember to soulstone yourself.  If the felhunters are not active when you die, the pitlord will stay enslaved for the amount of time left on the enslavement (or until the felhunters come out!)  If you are soulstoned, you may be able to pop back up and rejoin the fight without losing the pitlord.  If you do this, it will get considerably harder, but if you stand near the pitlord most of the time for dispels with the flames, I believe it’s doable.

It doesn't matter how dead you are.  That enslave keeps going!  (Shh, I totally didn't die while getting screenshots.  Much.)

It doesn’t matter how dead you are. That enslave keeps going! Shh, I totally didn’t die while getting screenshots. Much.

5.  Pre-pull Stuff

You’ll want to set up your portals so that you can easily line-of-sight his chaos bolts.

I like to put one in the nook to the left and the gateway to the right.

I like to put one in the nook to the left and the gateway to the right.

It's football season, right?  Portal placement diagram.

It’s football season, right? Portal placement diagram.

6. Touch that Soul-well!

Kanrethad’s portal will spawn and the soulwell will disappear.  He’ll walk straight out and gab for a bit.  Then he’ll walk towards the right.  I start near him where he stops, on the right side.  When he stops walking, it is 5 seconds before combat starts, though, if you have Littlewigs, you’ll get a countdown, so you’ll know that!  Pre-pot at 2 seconds, hit Dark Soul: Instability, then get ready to put Curse of Elements up!  You’ll have enough time to do some decent damage to him before he starts summoning the pitlord.

Make sure you have a stack of these with you!

Make sure you have a stack of these with you!

My starting placement and buffs rolling!  He just stands there and takes it for a bit!

My starting placement and buffs rolling! He just stands there and takes it for a bit!

7. The Pitlord

Kanrethad will take ten seconds to summon the pitlord so it’s okay to finish a couple casts against him.  When there’s a couple of seconds left, ready your shadowfury and enslave demon!

Ready, and got him!

Ready, and got him!WoWScrnShot_120813_153729

8.  Kanrethad Gets Annoying

After this, the fight really starts.  Kanrethad will start putting dots on you, and dropping rain of fire over you.  Cleanse the dots, and move out of rain of fire.  With the positioning I use, I inch closer to the gateway closer to the center.  While you don’t want to get rain of fire on your gateway, if you do, you should be able to survive the couple of ticks you’ll take while getting to it to avoid a chaos bolt.  Trust me, the chaos bolt hurts more.

Stepping out of rain of fire.

Stepping out of rain of fire.

Gateway to the nook for his chaos bolt.  If you're not in line of sight, he stops casting it.  Usually he drops rain of fire on the nook right after, so just run out and start dpsing again.

Gateway to the nook for his chaos bolt. If you’re not in line of sight, he stops casting it. Usually he drops rain of fire on the nook right after, so just run out and start dpsing again.

Very soon after Chaos Bolt, he will run to the middle to start casting Cataclysm.  The macro for the pitlord’s charge should be used, after he starts casting it.  You’ll have a few seconds, so be careful not to hit it too soon.  It’ll be very obvious when he’s casting it.

It's worth noting that while he is stunned from the charge (4 seconds stun), he takes extra damage.  It's a good idea to start casting a chaos bolt just before hitting your pitlord's charge button.  You'll be able to get in two, maybe three, chaos bolts, if you time it right!

It’s worth noting that while he is stunned from the charge (4 seconds stun), he takes extra damage. It’s a good idea to start casting a chaos bolt just before hitting your pitlord’s charge button. You’ll be able to get in two, maybe three, chaos bolts, if you time it right!

9. The Imps

Drop rain of fire over them, switch on Fire & Brimstone, and AoE.  If you stand a few yards in front of your gateway, they should stop near Kanrethad, so you never even have to change your target.

That's HIS rain of fire.  I started on the outside of the circle in the middle and moved in, and closer to my gateway, after he dropped the rain of fire.  It is possible that he will chaos bolt before all the imps are dead, so make sure you're still moving close to the gateway portal!

That’s HIS rain of fire. I started on the outside of the circle in the middle and moved in, and closer to my gateway, after he dropped the rain of fire. It is possible that he will chaos bolt before all the imps are dead, so make sure you’re still moving close to the gateway portal!  The purple circles over Aeramin here is the pitlord’s heal being autocast by the macro.

10. The Felhunters

Trust me, they’re the worst part.  This is how I handle them.  First, when he starts summoning them, I soulshatter to drop all threat on Kanrethad.  He spends more time playing with the pitlord over to the right of the portal then, while I take the felhunters left.  I drop rain of fire on the portal to get aggro on all three felhunters and backpedal towards the nook to the left.  Since you have Kil’jaeden’s cunning, you can start hitting them while moving.  While taking the screenshots for this, I finished them off with plenty of time left over to deal with his chaos bolt (which he sometimes skips if you’ve dropped threat right!), but it’s better safe than sorry.  Use the warlock portal that you placed over in the left nook if you need to!

Do NOT let these guys face your pitlord, ever.  They will eat your enslave, then, unless you're amazing, you're going to die.

Do NOT let these guys face your pitlord, ever. They will eat your enslave, then, unless you’re amazing, you’re going to die.

Are you ready for some football?  This is the way it's supposed to happen.

Are you ready for some football? This is the way it’s supposed to happen.

After the felhunters die, if you’re not sure you’ll get Kanrethad down before the second wave of felhunters, now is the time to dismiss and re-enslave the pitlord.  Don’t forget to shadowfury!

11. The Doomlord

You interrupt his next cataclysm after the felhunters, then he’ll run to the portal again and call forth a doomlord.  Out of all the things he calls, this is the easiest to deal with.  While you could just banish him, I find it much easier to just stop attacking for a few seconds while sending the pitlord to attack.  Let him get a couple swings in, then get back on Kanrethad.  You don’t hit the doomlord at all and he’ll stay on the pitlord the rest of the time.

Just target the doomlord then hit the pitlord's attack button.  I put an arrow to it.

Just target the doomlord then hit the pitlord’s attack button. I put an arrow to it.

12. The End

If everything works out, Jubeka will come save your butt and banish Kanrethad.  Turn in the quest, then click on Kanrethad to get your green fire!  Congrats!


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Filed under Aeramin, Guide, Screenshots, Uncategorized, World of Warcraft

OOC – TRP Item Creation Guide

Making an Item with a Use that Applies a State

Items can be created in TRP2 that can apply states when clicked on in the TRP2 backpack.  Here is a little guide on how to make one of your own creations.

Start first by creating the state that you wish to apply upon use of the item.  You won’t be able to create the state while creating the item.  It’s best to have it prepared ahead of time.  Go to the item creation screen and choose the create new state button.

I even circled it.

From there give it a name.  This one is called “Strawberry Scent”.  Add a description.  Use the slider bars under the description box set it as a debuff, neutral or buff state.  Use the slider bar under the icon box to set the type, in this case we select “Smell”.

Next choose an icon.  Since strawberries don’t seem to exist as an item in the game, I chose a generic berry icon.  Typing “food” in the search box helped narrow down the selection.

Lastly I wanted the effect to last only a few hours.  TRP2 will ask for the duration in seconds.

Choose “Save”, then “Close”.  That should take you back to the creations panel.

You will now want to create the item.  On the item creation screen fill in all you need for the general information.  Give it a name, description, quality, icon, etc.

Strawberry Perfume, in a perfume bottle!

Now to add the use.  Check the box on the right that says “Usable”.  To make it more realistic, I also gave the perfume limited charges.

Next you will want to edit “On Use (End)”.  Click on it.

Don’t worry about “Conditions”.  Click the add new effect button.

From there, you want to choose, add/remove state.  It’s the first icon, the blue one that I circled in the screenshot below.

Choose the strawberry state that you created earlier from the list of states that pops up.  If you have a lot of states on your state list, you may wish to use the search feature.

In this case we want the duration to match the default, three hours, in seconds.  The target is the player that clicks it and you want to add the state.  Make sure you hit “Save”!  Hit “Save” lots more times before hitting “Close”.

Now you can see a new bottle of perfume in the item list.  Open your TRP2 backpack and drag it into a slot!

Now you can right click on it and…

It works!  Happy item creation!

"Does that bird smell like strawberries?"


Filed under Guide, Screenshots, World of Warcraft