Alt Appreciation – Priest Week

It is priest week in the alt appreciation thread at World of Lae.  Priests are one of my Goldilocks classes.  Not too many, not too few.  Just right.  Erm, well, they fall in the middle anyway.  Here’s my priests!

Isturon Lightmist is one of my older sin'dorei.  He is father of six grown children, and the grandfather of Rylad in the stories.  He lives in Silvermoon, and has his own practice which he runs out of the front part of his home.  OOC - He's a level 90 disc priest and may have a legendary cloak before the expansion ends if I can bring myself to do the pvp again.

Isturon Lightmist is one of my older sin’dorei. He is father of six grown children, and the grandfather of Rylad in the stories. He lives in Silvermoon, and has his own practice which he runs out of the front part of his home. OOC – He’s a level 90 disc priest and may have a legendary cloak before the expansion ends if I can bring myself to do the pvp again.

Lanthiriel Lightmist is Isturon's second daughter.  Until recently, she worked with him in Silvermoon.  She is now one of the healers for the siege storyline, and is stationed outside Orgrimmar a ways.  When she returns, she hopes to open her own practice in the Ghostlands.  OOC - She just hit 90, and is also a disc priest.

Lanthiriel (Lani) Lightmist is Isturon’s second daughter. Until recently, she worked with him in Silvermoon. She is now one of the healers for the siege storyline, and is stationed outside Orgrimmar a ways. When she returns, she hopes to open her own practice in the Ghostlands. OOC – She just hit 90, and is also a disc priest.

Kelanori Summerleaf lives in Feralas with Ornasse and their son, Farahlor.  OOC - She's level 86 and Holy/Disc.  Also, she was my first priest to max level ever, during Wrath of the Lich King, and I used to heal our alt ICC group with her.

Kelanori Summerleaf lives in Feralas with Ornasse and their son, Farahlor. OOC – She’s level 86 and Holy/Disc. Also, she was my first priest to max level ever, during Wrath of the Lich King, and I used to heal our alt ICC group with her.

Iselwen Moonflower has played a small part in some stories.  She is a birthing priestess and helps bring babies into the world.  She has her own daughter, Zhyra.  OOC - She's a level 81 disc priest.

Iselwen Moonflower has played a small part in some stories. She is a birthing priestess and helps bring babies into the world. She has her own daughter, Zhyra. OOC – She’s a level 81 disc priest.

Haani is a priestess in Shattrath and has also played a small part in some stories.  OOC - She's a level 80 shadow priest.

Haani is a priestess in Shattrath and has also played a small part in some stories. OOC – She’s a level 80 shadow priest.

Colranos hasn't had any part of any stories yet.  He's just looking for a place to fit in.  Maybe someday!  OOC - He's a level 53 disc priest.  I always burn out on BRD.  Getting them past that dungeon is the worst!

Colranos hasn’t had any part of any stories yet. He’s just looking for a place to fit in. Maybe someday! OOC – He’s a level 53 disc priest. I always burn out on BRD. Getting them past that dungeon is the worst!

Jaenzol still has her doomsday message from the pre-cata event quests.  She has no part in stories and probably never will.  She is a level 35 shadow priest.

Jaenzol still has her doomsday message from the pre-cata event quests. She has no part in stories and probably never will. She is a level 35 shadow priest.

And I have quite a few level 1 alts, but here are a couple worth mentioning:

Esladra Lightmist is Isturon's fourth daughter.  She lives in Silvermoon, and is still in her studies.  OOC - Level 1!

Esladra Lightmist is Isturon’s fourth daughter. She lives in Silvermoon, and is still in her studies. OOC – Level 1!

Aalaa is going to be my disc priest alt on Stormrage.  Vinhesla needs an alt.  Aalaa is level 2 and needs a leveling plan yet.  I haven't been leveling a lot recently, but I have a feeling as SoO drags on, I'll have more time!

Aalaa is going to be my disc priest alt on Stormrage. Vinhesla needs an alt. Aalaa is level 2 and needs a leveling plan yet. I haven’t been leveling a lot recently, but I have a feeling as SoO drags on, I’ll have more time!


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Filed under Iselwen, Isturon, Kelanori, Lanthiriel, Screenshots, World of Warcraft

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