Tag Archives: Engagement

Hethurin’s Notes

  • I’m engaged. I’m still a bit in shock over it because I really wasn’t expecting it so soon, but it’s real and I’m so happy. I keep crying all the time because I’m so happy. I didn’t think it was real at first. Sometimes I dream about it, and I always wake up disappointed, but now I don’t have to anymore.This is real. In the dream he always gives the same reason for changing his mind which is because he likes my cute butt, and thinking about it now, I don’t think that’s a very good reason at all, but that was the dream and that’s what he always said. He said something different this time, so I know this isn’t a dream. I think if it was I would have woken up by now too.
  • He said that he didn’t want to wait fifty years, which is good because I don’t want to either. I was really worried that he did, and then I’d be too old to adopt, or maybe not too old, but I’d never see my grandchildren, and I want grandchildren someday too.
  • I’m so happy now.
  • The ring is really stunning. It has a little dragon on it holding the gem and it’s the best ring I’ve ever seen and it’s perfect. I love him so much. I’m crying again.
  • We need to pick a date. I think sometime in the summer would be best, but I don’t know when yet. Around the end of June, I’ll be working a lot on the lesson plans. It would probably be best to wait until the summer term is well underway. Of course, we’ll take a trip too, but we could go to a different time for that, so we won’t miss any of the school days. We could pretend to take a weekend trip somewhere but really go for two or three weeks. The spell back will just be for the two days. I’ll have to talk to him about it, and see if we know where we want to go.
  • Oh and I have to get a robe. It has to be the best robe ever. I have to talk to him about what colors we want, but I’m leaning towards white and gold with blue accents, so I’ll need a robe with those colors.
  • And I still want carriage drawn by six white hawkstriders and a sword tunnel. Maybe I can stay with Lani the night before so I can arrive from somewhere. I think the path out here will need to be fixed so that it isn’t too bumpy first because the way it is right now, I don’t think a carriage would work very well. Maybe I could just make a big portal and the carriage could go through that.
  • There’s so much to plan and so much to do, but I still keep crying because I love him so much and this is really happening. I think I’ll calm down a bit eventually and be able to actually start planning!

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Filed under Journal, Sanimir, World of Warcraft